Clyde North Campus News

As the End of Term is Here,

I thought that this edition of the newsletter would be an ideal opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the wonderful connections we maintained throughout this long period of remote learning. We are becoming very adept at seeing the positive and making the best of every day whilst remaining open to the possibilities of even better tomorrows.

So, this week, I share with you a pictorial celebration of our campus, our school and the amazing people that make this a truly wonderful world. 





It all starts with a simple yet critical question: 

R U OK?  


Once again, our VCAL students rose to the challenge of running the R U OK day remotely. They provided insightful information of how to reach out to help and how to ask for help when the answer is "No, I’m not Ok". They also provided a variety of fun activities during recess and lunchtime all via zoom which included: R U OK Gaming, Basketball, Meditation, Mood Drawing, Stress Balls, Kahoot, Worry Jars and Goal Jars.  A very special session was organised for the year 7 & 8 students to watch (via zoom) a wonderful presentation by Therapy Dogs Australia. So once again a huge thank you to our VCAL students and their teachers who have made RU OK Day more than just a simple question. Not to be out done by the VCAL students’ wonderful effort, the staff got together to film a special message to all students, reminding them that no matter the distance between us, we must always reach out and check on one another. 

Staff Morning Tea in the Virtual World

Clyde North staff are finding interesting ways to stay connected whilst in remote learning. Here is where teachers would normally sit in the staff room for morning tea. The office team who are indeed missing the staffroom chatter constructed this ‘virtual’ morning tea room to share with the teachers via zoom. So whilst we cannot be together in person, there is always a way to stay connected and have some fun.   I'm just not sure where my seat is?? 😊

2022 House Captain Speeches and Voting

Congratulations to the Year 10 and 11  Students who put themselves forward as candidates for the 2022 House Captain positions. It takes real courage, passion and dedication to become a Student Leader. Remote Learning did not present any barriers for our students who delivered thoughtful, inspiring and honest speeches to their peers. The Wordle below represents the true spirit  and aspirations of each of the speeches which were so eloquently delivered. Well done and congratulations to all the Candidates. 

I am very pleased to announce the 2022 House Captains:

AssisiZoe Tan & Poorab Bhavsar
AugustineViko Tusitala & Natasha Zimmermann
AvilaBela Southgate & Toby Durbin
GlowreyLily Dinsdale & Bellington Besa
KolbeHasrat Gill & Jake Bennett
MacKillopLevi Henderson Gillespie & Natalie D’souza
MarianDylan Oliver & Angelina Nou
RomeroIesha Boavida & Vignesh Padamati

Music to our Ears!

We were delighted this week to hear the sounds of music once again coming from our Performing Arts Centre as VET music students were permitted back onsite for essential assessments. Dylan really rocked the building with his passionate guitar playing. 

Finally here are the friendly faces of our students who need to be on Campus due to parents being essential workers. They too are missing their friends but are finding ways to stay connected and positive. 

So until next Term, I wish you all a very safe holiday. Students, remember to try an stay off the computers and get some fresh air when you can. I look forward with hope and faith that we will be back together very soon. 


See you soon…..

Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus