Staff Spotlight

A little about me!

My name is Miss Rania Zaidan and I have been at Cecil Hills High School for three years. 


I am an English teacher and the Year 7 Adviser for 2022!  I graduated from Bossley Park High School but in my 13 years of schooling, I attended five different schools between Sydney and Amsterdam!  Before I graduated from teaching, I was a sports coach at various primary schools and I also worked in a jewellery store. 


When I'm not working

When I am not working,  I love to travel and if I can't travel,  I love being outdoors and preferably by the water and if I could live anywhere else in the world it would definitely be Barcelona, Spain!



My favourite sport team is MANCHESTER UNITED!  My TWO favourite TV shows are Seinfeld and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

My advice to students

School is a mini version of the real world.  CONNECT Classes are like staff meetings; school assignments are like work deadlines; school uniform is like your work uniform/dress code; your class peers are like your work colleagues and your teachers are like your boss (but nicer).  So just remember school is a mini practice version, of life after school. Get into your good habits now :) 

Who would I like to be for a day?

RIHANNA! Love her songs, her fashion, her ambition and love her BOSS LADY attitude!