Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 8 Term 3

Dear Parents and Carers,


Catholic Education Commission Victoria –Remote Learning Guidelines.

Last week all Principals received an email from our Regional Consultant with a reminder of schools requirements around Remote learning.  At St Fidelis, I am confident that we are providing and meeting these requirements. (See below). 


I also understand that at times attending live Google Meets may not be possible for some families who are trying to juggle their own work commitments, family life and the teaching of their children.  I totally understand that every family unit is different and we all have different circumstances. 


As mentioned previously, be kind to yourself and your family. If your child is unable to complete all the learning an email to your child’s teacher is all that is required. 


When the children return we will meet them at their point of need and teach them from there.  The wellbeing of your child and your family is what is most important during this time. We need happy, healthy and resilient students. 


The teachers, families and students of St Fidelis are all doing an amazing job and we all can’t wait for lockdown restrictions to be lifted. 


Thank you to everyone. 

From Regional Consultant

Hello Everyone, 

This is just a reminder about the requirements around remote learning. I know you are all working very hard to provide great support to children and families. This is just the learning time guidelines that have been sent out in case you missed them.


For students in Prep to Grade 2, schools will provide learning programs that include the following as a minimum:

  • literacy activities that take a total of about 45-60 minutes
  • numeracy activities of about 30-45 minutes
  • additional learning areas, play-based learning and physical activity of about 30-45 minutes.

 For students in Grades 3 to 6 and Years 7 – 10

  • Literacy 45- 60 minutes
  • Numeracy 30 – 45 minutes
  • Physical activities 30 minutes
  • Additional curriculum areas 90 minutes

These guidelines can be met through MULTIPLE MODES – it does not require screen time for all of this but a school does need to be able to account for how they are meeting these guidelines. 


Last week we celebrated Book Week and I congratulate all of our students and staff for the wonderful spirit in which this was undertaken. We had many book activities across the year levels, a special guest author in Kath Murdoch for the F-2 on Wednesday and we welcome Adrian Beck this week for the Year 3-6 students. 


Book week dress is a highlight every year and this year is not exception albeit virtually. Friday’s dress-up day proved to be the highlight of the week and I am sure you will see photos of some of the many interesting, creative and quirky costumes from the day.


A special thank you to Ms Di for organising these incursions and activities for our students. 


Thursday September 2nd, 7:00pm


After a successful online confirmation workshop a couple of weeks ago we have organized a Year Three Parent and Child workshop for students who will be celebrating their First Reconciliation once restrictions are lifted.  All Year 3 families have received a letter with the Zoom Link required for this workshop.  Looking forward to engaging with you all online. It will commence at 7:00pm.


Join us this Friday for WHOLE SCHOOL PRAYER AND FATHERS DAY CELEBRATION on Facebook Live at 9:00am.


Father Greg Bourke will celebrate our Whole School Prayer this week. He was fortunate to have met Saint Mother Teresa on one of his visits to Calcutta. He will share his experience and give us a firsthand insight of Saint Mother Teresa. We are fortunate to have a Parish Priest who wants to engage with the children and families of St Fidelis. After Whole School Prayer, we will present our Students of the Week and the Year 1/2 team have prepared a tribute to our wonderful dads and male role models in our community. 


Thank you to all the families that join in each week to our Whole School Prayer and Assembly. It takes lots of work to prepare prayer every week and it is a great way to stay connected as a school during lockdown. We have an average of 90 views each week out of 152 families and I thank everyone for your participation. 


Our refurbishment and upgrade is close to finishing however, COVID restrictions have slowed down the projected finishing date. Looking on the positive side, we had some extra funds that has allowed us to beautify the bitumen area outside the toilets and the Junior playground area. The upgrade of these outdoor areas will allow for outdoor learning during the warmer days. 



Congratulations to Debbie Lee (AFLW), a past St Fidelis' student who made history on Tuesday night, being the first woman inducted into AFLs hall of fame this week.



Last week we installed four new fibreglass backboards for the students. The existing backboards were wearing away and not safe to have. We have used some the Parents and friends fundraising for this project and I thank all the community for your continued support with the fundraising activities.  


We continue to place our prayers for the families in Afghanistan and if you are able to asset with donation to Caritas find information below.


Humanitarian crises unfolding in Afghanistan and Lebanon  

As the situations in Afghanistan and Lebanon deteriorate, you can help to support families caught up in the crises.  

  • In Afghanistan, people have been forced from their homes, with  half of the population in urgent need of food, water, shelter and  protection.
  • In Lebanon, the country is running out of power, water,  fuel, medicine and food. Even hospitals are facing massive fuel shortages and will soon have to turn off the lights.

Please donate to Caritas Australia so that we are able to respond  to crises like these and others across the world.  Visit caritas.org.au/Lebanon or www.caritas.org.au/afghanistan or call 1800 024 413 toll free to provide much needed support.  


Stay safe,
