L’ Angolo Italiano…

Settimana 8, Term 3


Prep- Grade 2

This week, Preps to Grade 2 students had a broad selection of activities to choose from all focused on PRIMAVERA, which is the Italian word for spring.

Check some of their amazing work:

Grade 3&4

Inspired by the fantastic book " La bambina dei libri" by Oliver Jeffers and Sam Winston, students designed and created an "alpha-libro", a unique ABC book in Italian, choosing 21 words for each letter of the alphabet and illustrated each page with the relevant pictures.

Wonderful work, ragazzi!


Grade 5&6

Students learnt the stories of two courageous and strong women, Isabel Allende and Shamsia Hassani, from the powerful Italian book " Storie della Buonanotte per bambine ribelli", the iconic series now translated in more than 30 language all over the world. 

For their task, they had to research about a famous Italian person and learn about their inspirational life. Great work, bravi!


There's an Italian word that I would like to share and teach you all as fits perfectly the momentum we find all of us in now. DAJE, pronounced " da-j-eh", means "come on" and it is a quintessential Roman expression. As small as it is, the word contains grit, resilience and courage, plus a tinge of smart cheekiness.  



So daje ACPS, we got this! 

Stay safe and look after yourselves! 


A presto!



                                              Ginevra De Benedetti


Italian teacher
