Remote Learning Specialist Program

Week 9




Tuesday :             Gr 3 /4 Fitness and skills

Wednesday:      Prep and Gr 1 /2 Gym and Movement (2)

Thursday:            Gr 5/6 Basketball skills (2)



Tuesday:              PREP, Grade 1 and Grade 2 

Wednesday:       Grade 3/ 4 & Grade 5/6 


Prep: Bottle top people – some old-fashioned fun! You’ll need: Small, cleaned plastic bottles x 2 or 3 (could be tomato sauce bottle, radox muscle soak bottle, small soft drink bottle etc; if you don’t have any, try making a cone from paper for the person’s body), some household paint, thick cardboard, paper, glue


Grades 1/2: Cylinder puppet. You’ll need: some cardboard cylinders (paper towel cardboard roll) or make your  own cylinders using cardboard; string, 4 small bottle caps (from milk or juice etc), a stick from the garden


Grade 3/4:  Paper Flower. You’ll need: newspaper (preferably with just print, no pictures) or old sheet music (or even photocopies of sheet music) or A4 paper – enough for 2 sheets of A4 paper, glue, string, middle decorative piece such as a large gem or button


Grade 5/6: Nature Weaving. You’ll need: some straight sticks from the garden, some twine or string, some items for weaving such as raffia, ribbon, paper, leaves, wool etc.



If you don’t have any of these items, please have a think of what could substitute for it.








P-2  VIVA LA PRIMAVERA- Part 2 (developing and expanding our "spring" vocabulary)


Grade 3-4 Learning about Italian ARTE through famous artists from the past and present

Grade 5-6 Learning about contemporary Italian MUSICA and lyrics 




Grade 3/4  - learning note names and creating little words. Followed by an online music game.

Grade 5/6  - learning note names, creating little words. Attempting to write silly sentences with notes, online music game and for those who would like a challenge, writing the notes to a television theme song. 

I will be available on a WebEx during the morning should students need help. I will post the address in the stream on the day or they can let me know and I can send them the address for the WebEx.


Preps - High and Low. We will do some singing, drawing a roller-coaster and making our voice go high and low and do the actions to a Sailor Went to Sea.

Grade 1/2 - Slow, Fast, Fastest. Play a game with my home made magic tambourine. Play an instrument (fingers on the table) and move around to slow, fast and fastest music.


Thanks for joining us!