Deputy Principal

Michelle Hinds

Mini Olympics

Last Monday, the Year 3 and 4 students led the school with a Mini Olympics event to coincide with the Tokyo Olympics. We were blessed with sunshine and the day was a huge success. We celebrate such school events with fervour considering the many restrictions placed upon us at the present time.


Thank you to all the Year 3 and 4 students and teachers.

Please enjoy the recounts below written by some of the Year 3 students.


St Therese’s Mini Olympics by Harmony

On Monday the whole school was doing the Mini Olympics. It was really fun and the Year 3's and 4's got to teach different Olympic games. Like four-square where you had to bounce the ball in the square but if it bounced out of the squares you’re out. 

My friends and I were working in 3F which means that we were in the Mascot room. So we had to say what everyone was drawing. After we told them that they were drawing a mascot picture they also had to colour in their drawing. 

Mini Olympics was the best day ever! I wish we had another fun day like this.


Mini Olympics by Markus

On Monday 2nd August there was 4-square, paper planes, skipping, soccer, basketball and kayaking. 

At 4 square I was a leader until recess. To play 4-square you needed a ball. When you had four people they went to a square: they were King, Queen, Jack and Dunce. 

At paper planes it was so much fun. First we made a plane, secondly design your plane and make sure it is not inappropriate. When we’re all ready, we threw your plane and see how far it went. 

At basketball you just train at school, the same during soccer as a goalie. It’s just for practising the basics. 


Tokyo Olympics by Abigail

On Monday 2nd August Year 3's and 4's ran the St Therese’s Mini Olympics.

Before we did anything we all did the opening ceremony. The first thing we did was bring the torch to the stage. Then a lot of Year 3's and 4's had country flags and went up to the stage to show them to everyone. Then it was time to start the mini Olympic activities.


St Therese’s Mini Olympics by Monica

On Monday 2nd of August we had a mini Olympics. There was sailing, paper planes, cup stacking, 50 metre race, Olympic ring art, swimming, kayaking, mascot designs, skipping and lots more activities! Me and my group were leading the sailing. Then after recess the Year Fours were leading. I had to do skipping first, then I did paper planes and the last thing I did was sailing. At the end of the day there was a closing ceremony and people got medals and trophies with a lollipop in it. Then after I did Taiko Drumming. Then we got to dance. Finally it was home time and everyone went home. 


St Therese’s Mini Olympics Recount by Jerusha

On August, the 2nd, St Therese’s had a mini Olympics day which was held by the year 3's and 4's. We first did an Opening Ceremony. It was lovely! Then we did javelin, 4-square, hula-hoops, 50m, origami and a lot more. We ended with a closing ceremony, some medals, treats and some Just Dance! That day was the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!


St Therese’s Mini Olympics Recount by Menuki  

On Monday we had a mini Olympics. The Olympics is when people from all around the world come to have fun. There are lots of sports like gymnastics, scootering and much more. I was the leader with Matilda and Tashni. We were teaching Gymnastics to the whole school. All the students did exercise and play on the equipment but when the students came they just played. We did 4 rotations then we had snacks and all of us were hungry.

After that we got to have a treat: M&M, skittles, Kit-Kat, popcorn, lollipop and Starburst.

My favourite activity was the 4 square but my most favourite thing was our treat. I got a Kitkat and we got to do just dance we did Wakka Wakka, Cotton Eye Joe and I forgot the last one.


St Therese’s Mini Olympics Recount by Linnea 

My school had a mini Olympics! I was in the mascot group.

There were 4 classes we had to look after. Mrs Carter was there to help us. Olympics is about all the countries coming together. I didn't like the sailing because people were bragging about how much wins they won. It made me feel angry! I wanted it to scream!

Then there was the closing ceremony. I didn't want a medal I wanted to be proud of myself.