From the Principal

William Wallace

Dear Parents and Carers,


Playground Refurbishment  

We are pleased to have recently been able to refurbish our Junior Primary playground with a new soft fall under the SA State Government's Capital Grants Programme for Schools which enabled us to spend $20,000 on this project. The children are certainly enjoying the new soft fall and having lots of fun in the playground!  

Junior Primary Playground
Junior Primary Playground


School Photos  

A reminder that our school photos will take place Tuesday 10 August. Please check that your children have the correct formal school uniform in preparation for the day.  


Our uniform shop will be open from Thursday 5 August onwards by appointment with the easing of restrictions. Appointments can be made by copying the code f4t9u then pasting into your browser.You are also most welcome to make any uniform orders that you need over the phone and we can arrange the items that you need. 


Foundation - Year 2 photos will be taken in sports polo top and track pants. For Years 3-6, boys are asked to wear a blue shirt with shorts or trousers (long sleeve blue shirt is preferable if possible) and the girls are asked to wear either the winter skirt or trousers and the blue school shirt. Please refer to the separate letter that has been emailed home for all of the details about photo day arrangements.  


Kiss and Drop  

With the increased use of our Kiss and Drop zone due to the COVID restrictions, a reminder of the following points that help support its safe and efficient use and operations are as follows. 

  • Cars enter from our Richardson Road entrance only. 
  • The first 50 metres of on-street parking from our entrance heading south/west on Richardson Road are a Kiss and Drop lane. 
  • Cars entering the car park to park can use the right-hand and drop lane but cannot turn right into the kiss and drop lane avoiding the 'kiss' lane. 
  • The only method of entering the kiss and drop lane is from the south/west adjacent to our oval/playground.  

Thank you to all of our school families for your support with this.  


Data update  

Accurate data on our families is very important for our school. The Australian Government uses our student data to determine the Index of Socio-Educational Advantage (ICSEA) for Golden Grove Lutheran Primary School and certain components of our government funding are based on this and other characteristics of our student cohort. 


When you completed the Application for Enrolment you would have supplied the following details (among others) for your child - Language, and parents’ language, Parents’ education level, and occupation, and Indigenous status.  


It may be many years since you supplied this information to us, so we are now asking you to check that your details are up to date. For example, you may have upgraded your educational qualifications or changed occupations. These have a direct impact on our level of funding. Considering that government funding provides a higher proportion of our income than total fees, you will understand why accurate data is so important. An email was sent with a link to the form on our school website on 23 July 2021. If you have not completed this form, please complete the form by COB Friday 6 August 2021.  


 The link can be found


