Study Skills
Something a bit different!
"Positive reinforcement lifts student success"
Praise can have a positive impact on a student’s academic performance with research showing children with parents who are optimistic about their ability perform better in NAPLAN and are more interested in school.
According to the ABC Life Matters story aired 8 August, if teachers and parents have high expectations of children, the children will live up to them.
Deputy Director of the ACU’s Institute for Positive Psychology & Education Professor Philip Parker and his team collected data from more than 2,600 Australian children & tracked their academic performance through NAPLAN tests between Years 3, 5 & 7.
Prof Parker told the ABC a child in Year 5 whose parents “overestimated their ability” did better in subsequent NAPLAN tests and their interest in reading or subjects such as maths also increased.
(Taken from: ISQ Newswrap - Independent Schools of Qld)
Study Skills Handbook
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