GEKA Brady Road 

Learnings of The Resilience Project

GEKA Brady Road Education Team


The Resilience Project has been a wonderful addition to our program at GEKA Brady Road Kindergarten. We have introduced their theory of GEM – gratitude, empathy and mindfulness, in many different ways. Through music, arts, yoga, meditation, group discussions focusing on being in the moment and teaching the children to practice how to relax and be calm. 


The children have learnt to demonstrate feelings/emotions using descriptive language. They now have greater sense of how their body is feeling (awareness) in different situations through the practice of being mindful. These practices empower the children to cope with big feelings and develop awareness of their bodily needs, which is in line with the outcomes of the Early Years Learning Framework.  


Basic mathematical concepts, such as volume, more/less, empty/full, occur in the program and have provided opportunities to be hands-on (eg. making glitter jars for meditation and mindful  painting experiences).  We have introduced the children to new vocabulary to enable them to label their feelings through facial expressions and body awareness. 


Children’s reflections on the importance of Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness (GEM) 

Colette – "when we do relaxation I like to lay down and close my eyes and do 'mountain breathing' with my fingers.  It makes me feel a little bit tired and sleepy and calm"


Lachlan – "I like to pinch 'tall man' finger with my thumbs on both hands and I close my eyes.  I feel calm and I think about what I have done today and this makes me feel calm and ready to play again"


Grace – "while we were eating outside we listened to quiet, slow music, so we could be calm while we were eating"


Evie – "mindfulness is when you feel calm and close your eyes and think about what you can do"


Charlie J – (we asked the children during their lunchtime “what like do they like or enjoy about their lunch?”) … "can you please heat up my lunch?  I love my Mum’s sausage rolls, they are the best, I love the taste of them and I can eat more than my Dad & big brother Tom"

Family Reflection 

Jasper (aged 5) likes to do meditation and mindfulness at home.  We didn’t teach him, he taught us!  Sometimes we turn around and he’s meditating on the couch!  I asked Jasper what I need to do.  He said “usually I close my eyes, but you don’t have to.  I sit like this (pictured), I focus on what I’m doing, it makes me feel calm”.  Jasper has the whole family to practice mindfulness, especially during lockdown.- Melissa, Jasper’s Mum 


Educators Reflections - the importance of GEM as an embedded part of the curriculum and how this supports/shapes connection, kindness and behaviour within the group


Embedding The Resilience Project's core values of gratitude, empathy and mindfulness into our curriculum has been very beneficial. These practices empower the children to develop social-emotional skills which are so important in life. GEM promotes an inclusive learning culture in our group and helps everyone to feel safe, and develop a sense of belonging.


Stella – "I was amazed with the children’s eagerness and positive participation in The Resilience Project.  They are beginning to demonstrate their ability to self-regulate their emotions by labelling their feelings and practicing mindfulness, yoga and calmness"


Lynne – "I have noticed that the children are demonstrating self-awareness in ways that I haven’t noticed in the past, such as removing themselves, to enjoy moments of solitude."


Lee – "It is interesting to see the children interacting with their friends and becoming more aware of their emotions. They are responding with more empathy and care, listening to each other and respecting each other’s space"


Vernessa – "The Resilience Project embeds simple values of gratitude, mindfulness and empathy amongst us all in many ways.  I am constantly amazed by the thoughtfulness and kindness of the children and their families at kinder"


Mimi – "Gratitude and saying 'thank you' is so important.  From the time you wake until you sleep, you should always be grateful.  Being grateful every day is as easy as being thankful for my body, thankful for my breathing, thankful for my food.  This creates positivity and helps us increase good energy.  I am grateful that in my job I can help people.  I love to help others when I have a chance, it helps me to feel good when I can be there for the children"