Year 1/2 News

The end of term is almost here!

As we approach the end of this term we would like to thank all families for their continued efforts during online learning. We are so proud of all the students' dedication to making sure their work has been completed and uploaded each day. We have included some work samples that you can reflect on.


Crazy Hair Day

Last Wednesday the Year 1/2 children showed their creative, wild, and very inventive sides when they dressed their hair up for Crazy Hair Day. We saw the students use hair spray, gel, chalk, wigs, ribbons, clips, bows, headbands, and even items picked fresh from the garden, to create a crazy hair style for their morning homeroom zoom. There were lots of laughs and smiles shared as the crazy hairdos brightened all the students' and teachers' days. Enjoy a selection of hairdos in the gallery below.

Week 1 & 2 Timetable and Learning Intentions

Please note, our Term 4, Week 1 & 2 timetable and Learning Intentions will not be included in this week's newsletter. Instead, these documents will be posted via Skoolbag at the end of the second week of school holidays, once it is known whether students will be back online or onsite.

Important Dates

Wednesday -Playdough making/ Zoom 9am

Friday 17th September -Last day of Term 3 (Children wear footy colours to morning Zoom meeting).

Friday 17th September -School Assembly at 1pm

Monday 4th October -School Closure Day

Tuesday 5th October -Students begin Term 4