Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -

Live P.E.

St Raphael's was very fortunate to have the services of Rob and Lynton from Elite Tennis Academy to attend our live fun and fitness class last Wednesday. Rob ran the session and took the students through general fitness activities as well as some specific tennis related movements. The students enjoyed the session and for some it was also an opportunity to see a familiar face with a number of children receiving tennis lessons at East Coburg Tennis Club where Elite Tennis Academy is based. One of the challenges at the moment is staying connected with our community, so if anyone else has a contact for a local sporting club that wants to partner up for an online PE session please reach out.



The last few weeks the Foundation students have been learning how to throw. There has been quite a bit of instruction around technique as well as some basic activities in order for the students to practice elements of their throwing action. This week the students have been exposed to the other half of throwing, which is of course catching. Again there is quite a bit of instruction around the technique of catching as well as some basic activities to practice this skill.


Year 1/2

Most recently the Year 1/2s have been working on their catching with a focus on technique and some basic activities. This week is more about fun and fitness as we reach the end of the term. The main activity involves the students creating an obstacle course and then timing themselves as they negotiate their way around. Like most of the activities, the focus is on fun and self improvement.


Years 3 - 6

The last couple of weeks of term have really centred around fun and fitness as well as personal challenges to engage the students and allow them to strive and better themselves. For the last couple of weeks the lessons have started with different challenges. Last week was a plank or hover challenge where the students had to time themselves and then see if they could improve on their original time. The main activity last week was an obstacle course and it was great to see the students having a lot of fun creating different courses around their house.