Writers Wall 

Zoe’s Big Adventure by Claire B

WOOSH went the wind against Zoe’s sleeping face. Startled, Zoe jumped out of bed, she didn’t know what happened. She went to look out the window but found a big hole in the wall. In the distance, Zoe saw some massive snowy footprints and a long curly line leading up to the mountain. Zoe fearfully ran downstairs to find her parents, but she just found an empty room with the lights off. Then and there Zoe knew that she had to find her parents. So she quickly gathered some friends for the dangerous journey ahead. Zoe got Brownie (who is a monkey) and Charlie. They went on walking while following the footsteps. While they were walking they came across a village full of gnomes.  Zoe thought they were harmless so she just walked straight through the village but when she set one foot in the village the little gnomes attacked.  While the friends were held in a tiny prison cell, Zoe overheard the gnomes praying that their fearless leader is alive from being taken by the ferocious dragon. At that moment Zoe realised what took her parents, a dragon. So she told the gnomes that the same dragon took her parents and they teamed up to defeat the dragon. The first thing that Zoe said was that the dragon’s footsteps lead to the mountains, so they went there. When they got there they started ferociously battling the dragon. It was a long battle but they won. After the hideous fight they both found what they were looking for. After that Zoe’s life was never the same, one because she just fought a dragon, two she moved to the village with her family and three she became a mountain warrior. Zoe loves her new life. 

The end.