From the Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

NSW Health Advice – Requirements for self-isolation and wearing of face masks

NSW Health has established a website to inform the community of actions they should take if they have been in a location where there have been confirmed cases of COVID-19 within NSW. Staff and students must comply with public health advice which includes the requirement to self-isolate for the required period if they have been at any of the locations published on this website on the specified dates and times. Please take time to check this site to ensure that you or members of your family have not been in any of these locations. In addition, NSW Health and the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) advice does not require anyone in schools to wear masks. Face masks are to be used to support infection control process, such as for staff conducting health care procedures or providing first aid. These guidelines will be updated if NSW Health advice changes.


In recent months, there have been increased instances of vaping in the community and, in particular, amongst teenagers. The College has become aware of several instances where students have been involved. Vaping involves the inhaling of vapour created by an e-cigarette, vape pen or other vape devices. Like all e-cigarettes containing nicotine, these are illegal in Australia. Despite the efforts of regulators to prevent their sale, it appears a range of different vape devices are being sold to teenagers. Of particular concern is the ‘Cuvie’ brand, which is a brightly-coloured Vape pen that looks like a highlighter. 


Parents and young people are probably not aware that some of these vape devices contain 50mg of nicotine and therefore generate the equivalent of a packet of cigarettes. The links between nicotine and severe lung disease are well-documented. There is also a concern that some vape devices may contain other potentially very harmful chemicals. As a result, we are reminding students of the risks involved in using vape devices and we seek the support of parents and carers to discuss these concerns with their sons and daughters. 


As has been explained to students, the College makes no distinction between vaping devices and cigarettes and applies the same consequences should students be using vape devices whilst at school, in College uniform travelling to or from school or at any College activity. 

Western Pick-up Drop-off

Parents and carers using the Western gate will have noticed the placement of some barricades designed to prevent students from alighting from vehicles whilst in the roundabout area. A small number of parents continue to stop and let their sons leave the vehicle. 


The practice is both dangerous and discourteous as it puts students at risk and prevents an unnecessary backlog of traffic at busy times. In addition, we have recently made an effort to have parents drive to the first of the eight parking bays before stopping to drop-off and pick-up. This allows up to ten cars to be parked at one time and expediates the movement and flow of traffic. 


As always, your cooperation and support of fellow parents and students of the College are greatly appreciated. 


Bus and Train Transport

As you know, for some time now we have been reminding students to use their Opal Cards when using public transport. The main reason for this up until now has been to guarantee service provision, especially on buses, as the records are used to allocate resources. 


Transport for NSW has now provided another reason and they have asked us to communicate with students and their families to again remind all students who are using public transport to “Tap On” and “Tap Off” with their Opal cards in order to help maintain accurate records of student use of transport across the system which may be necessary in the event of the need to undertake contact tracing. 






Mr Paul Brooks

College Deputy Principal / Head of Senior School