Sherryn Martin

Year 12 Coordinator


As we move into flexible and remote learning the Senior Sub School team would like you to know you are not alone. We know that this year is full of challenges and the unknown, but look how well you have adapted so far. 


It is quite normal to feel overwhelmed at times. Please remember to reach out, no issue is too big or small. Your Year Level Coordinators can be reached by phone or email.

Year 11

Jumpers for 2021 will be $90 each. Ms Nguyen will be sharing more information about this with you shortly.

Year 12

Thank you to all the students for their attendance at the practice GAT. It was great to see everyone working so diligently on the day. Connect Lectures are taking place Monday, 10 August. These will be via Google Meet and more information will be available shortly. 


Make sure you check Google Classroom and your email regularly for links and further information. These lectures are a wonderful opportunity for students to gain a deeper understanding of the key knowledge of each subject.


Discussions regarding graduation are still underway and further information will be available soon.


VTAC applications opened on Monday, 3 August and close on 30 September. The

careers team are available for all students to discuss their pathway options.


We look forward to having everyone back at the conclusion of remote learning.