
Welcome to Religious Education for Term 3, 2020

This term the students at St Anthony's School will be learning about the Catholic faith, its rituals and traditions.

The Senior students (Year 3 - 6) will be concentrating on how Catholics worship in various ways, such as praying, meditation, attending Mass, participating in the sacraments and more.

They will also investigate how people of other faith such as Judaism, Orthodox faiths and Buddhism practice their faith. The topic for this term is Diversity and Dignity of the Human Person, for we are all different yet the same.


The Junior students (Preps - Year 2) will be learning about God through the images of God that are portrayed around us.  

This will be followed by learning about the Catholic faith and traditions, which will then lead to learning about other faiths. The students will also be focusing on the topic of Diversity.


God Bless,

Toni Dent

Religious Education Leader