Year 3-6 Sector

Year 4 News

Grade 4 students have been busy engaging in their learning for the first five weeks of term. All students are to be commended on their ability to persist and stay positive during an extraordinary time for all. 


At our recent grade 4 assembly it was lovely to see so many faces via Zoom. Many awards were given, a big congratulations to the recipients of these awards. 


From 4A: Sebastian, Sienna, Alex, Casey

From 4B: Jasmine, Noah, Wyatt, Myeisha, Samantha

From 4C: Breeannan, Noah, Nora

From 4D: Lachlan, Mihaela, Bhagya, Matteo

From 4E: Gabriel, Christian, Jahvia, Jasmin



As part of the author study unit all students have explored the books Fox, Chalk Boy, The Stone Lion, The Treasure Box and There’s a Sea in my Bedroom written by Margaret Wild. The teachers were very impressed with the work submitted as part of this unit and enjoyed reading the personal responses. 


Here is a selection of work from the author study unit:

Leana 4D - Exploring Characters
Tara 4C - Exploring illustrations
Kaya 4C – Identifying themes
Leana 4D - Exploring Characters
Tara 4C - Exploring illustrations
Kaya 4C – Identifying themes

For the remainder of the term students will start to explore different types of poetry, develop an appreciation for this writing form and learn ways in which it can be read aloud.



As the term has progressed the grade 4 students have been busy writing information reports. Recently they conducted research about a Winter Olympic sport. They then presented their work in creative ways and considered all of the elements that make a good information report. This week the students will pick a topic of choice and conduct their own research which will help them to compile and present another information report.       

Cordell 4D
Tara 4C
Aiden 4C
Cordell 4D
Tara 4C
Aiden 4C



The grade 4 students have been busy working on multiplication centres for the last five weeks. They have been exposed to various strategies and continued to develop confidence with their times tables facts.  Time has also been a focus, looking at 12 hour time, 24 hour time and identifying the duration between times. The students will now start to explore calendars and division.

Tyler 4C – Telling the time
Ethan 4C – Converting times
Mihaela - 4D
Tyler 4C – Telling the time
Ethan 4C – Converting times
Mihaela - 4D


Project Based Learning:

All grade 4 students were lucky enough to watch the movie Wonder via our daily class zoom. Many powerful conversations were had after each viewing session and many important messages were taken from the movie.

The learning tasks set as part of this unit have allowed for some incredible creativity. Check out some of the amazing work that has been uploaded.

Steffany 4E
Katie 4C
Noah 4C
Tia 4E
Steffany 4E
Katie 4C
Noah 4C
Tia 4E

The grade 4 teachers are super proud of each and every one of you. We enjoy touching base every day as part of our class zoom and seeing your positivity shine through.


We’ve got this!                                                              

The Year 4 Team.


Year 6 News

Home Learning Survival Guide

We know that's quarantine and home learning has been hard for everyone. Who ever knew we’d be in a global pandemic at the start of 2020! It’s been pretty difficult to survive. Since everyone is different and not everyone is used to this sort of change, here are some tips to get through home learning. 


Step One: Find a new hobby to do! 

Being stuck at home can be pretty boring and you can struggle to find things to do. So finding a hobby can be the perfect thing for you. Dancing, drawing or even practising the Dr Phil theme song can be for you! Instead of laying in bed all day you could get up and get PHYSICAL. 

You can look up an online workout, make up your own dance or pull out an old board game! 

“Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never have enough” -Oprah Winfrey. 


Step Two: Have a self care day 

Home learning can be very stressful and can wear you out, so having a self care day can release all that stress. Watching a movie, doing a face mask and chilling out sounds like the perfect thing to do right now. Like girl, TREAT YOUSELF! Fact: Stress can affect our physical, mental and emotional behavior to how we react and behave. I'm getting online and ordering a face mask right now!


Step Three: It's always okay to ask for help 

7/10 people have struggled during quarantine and haven't asked for help. That's a lot of people! We know who tough it can be during these times, so remember it's okay to ask for help. Some places you can ask help for are:


Kids Helpline: 1800 55 1800 


Coronavirus Helpline: 1800 020 080 


Lifeline: 13 11 14 

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your teachers and peers for guidance.



In conclusion, we hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. 

-Millie and Meagan 6E