Brookside OHSC 

Camp Australia News

Hello Families and Friends, 


We are half way of Term 3. 


With hope that most families have adjusted to the changes with Stage 4 Being announced we would like to send a Big thank you to all families and members of the community for working together in such a difficult time. We at Brookside Camp Australia have been working really hard to maintain our social distancing and managing to keep hygiene at the frontline of our work to keep staff and families and children safe during this time.


Children have had a Jam Packed week last week as it was “National Science Week”. Emily and myself have planned a week full of hands on activities that the children loved. One activity planned was gardening and children have witness their planets growing over the weekend which is exciting.


We are encouraging our usual routine of hand washing with soap and water and have introduced sanitizing into this routine as well. As educators, we are constantly updating and training on any new information and strategies to implement, all the while still providing a fun and engaging place for your children.


As per every term children will be involved in lots of exciting cooking experiences. Gym Group games (with social distance measures) and lots of Arts and Crafts. 



For more information, you can have a chat with myself or any of our Educators. Alternatively, you may visit our website or contact our friendly Customer Care Team on 1300 105 343.


Stay safe everyone – we look forward to seeing you again, soon! Brookside College – OSHC Team