Principal News

Principal News

Dear Brookside Community,


Well, we are just over half way through what has been an interesting term 3 to say the least. We can’t begin to express how proud we are of our students who have demonstrated such effort in engaging with their online learning, and we feel privileged to work alongside such an amazing team of teachers, support staff and parents/carers. 


As we continue to navigate through these uncertain times, we aim to provide a consistent approach to the teaching and learning provided for our students online, as well as continuing to prioritise student wellbeing through initiatives such as our Wellbeing Workshops that were launched this term across years P-9.


We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Foundation students on reaching 100 days of School! It was so great to see our Foundation students celebrate their massive achievement by dressing up as if they were 100 years old. Our amazing Foundation teaching team also got into the spirit – don’t they look great?!


School Review 2020

Brookside College is currently undergoing a School Review which is a process that every school goes through every four years. 

Conducted by the Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority (VRQA) with support from the Department of Education (DET), the School Review provides an opportunity for schools to reflect on achievements as well as focus on areas for improvement. Following the review the school will receive a report that outlines key findings and recommended improvement strategies to maximise student outcomes. This will then inform the development of the School Strategic Plan (SSP) which will outline our focused work throughout the next four years. 


At Brookside College, we value and appreciate the partnership with our school families in striving for the best outcomes for our students and as such, we would like to seek your feedback during this School Review. We ask and encourage all parents and guardians to complete a brief 5 minute survey - your feedback is very important to us and will contribute to informing our future school goals. 


Below is the link to our parent/guardian survey.


This is a very exciting time for Brookside College, as we can begin to forge our future steps.

Prep Enrolments for 2021  

A reminder that we are currently accepting Prep 2021 enrolments. Please note that enrolment is not automatic for families who currently have a child/children attending the college – families will still need to apply to enrol their prep child at the school if they wish for them to attend. Parents/Guardians who are interested in enrolling their child at Brookside next year are encouraged to contact the College on 7379 1555 for details on the enrolment process. 


Due to the current Covid-19 situation, Brookside College is unable to offer school tours at this time. However, we have produced a ‘Virtual Tour’ for our prospective Prep families, which can be found on our website, or by following this link:


Secondary Years Transition 2021

Year Level Leader in years 6, 7 & 8 recently emailed a ‘Schooling Intentions’ letter to respective parents/carers. The information received from the return of these letters will assist us with our planning and structure in the Secondary Years for 2021. May parents/carers please ensure that you complete and submit the required form via email to (attention to the relevant Year Level Leader) by Fri 28th August.                              

Year Level Assemblies 

A big well done to our Primary students who assisted with the co-ordination of their year level assemblies across years Prep – 6 in week 5. The students did a great job at these events, sharing their work & participating in interactive games via Zoom with their peers. It was so great to see so many students Zooming in to take part in the activities.

We have also seen a high a participation rate in 7-9 attendance at their year level assemblies, which has been a fantastic opportunity for the secondary students to come together as cohorts and reconnect with their teachers and peers.                                       


We wish you all a wonderful weekend!

The Principal Class Team

Brookside College