Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Welcome to Week 2

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. This week, I have a message from Father Gleeson with regards to the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion: 


As the times are now uncertain with Covid restrictions, this has impacted upon the preparation and receiving of the Sacraments. To cater for this a number of changes have occurred and if you could please contact Father Gleeson with regards to this, that would be amazing. 


To begin with: Originally Father Gleeson planned for four set Catechesis dates. Due to Covid, children can now attend ANY Mass (still need to attend 3) and after Mass Father will speak with the children in regards to their preparation. These three Masses can be over the preparation period.


Sacramental Celebration: As Covid is among us, the Sacramental Celebration will not be done as a whole group; rather, you need to plan which Mass (throughout the month of August) where you child can either receive their Sacrament of Confirmation or First Holy Communion. Of course siblings, friends can be celebrated together, it is just ensuring numbers and allowing family to attend the celebration. 


In preparation for these Sacraments, students have been learning the Religious Education Curriculum in class, they have their work books to complete at home with their parents and meeting with Father Gleeson after Mass. They are also encouraged to pray daily in order to become closer to the Lord who will come to them in the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion. Spiritual preparation is vital for a worthy and meaningful celebration of these Sacraments of Initiation. It is also vitally important that you are becoming familiar with the Parish Priest. 


To confirm Sacramental Celebrations for the month of August, please see Father Glesson, either after Mass at the short Catechesis session or at a time of your choosing. 


The Parish number is: 67323045