Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal -Anthea Mathers 

The presence of COVID 19 does require us to continue to put measures in place. 

With the current Lockdown we ask that all students stay home and continue on-line learning. Only those students of essential workers, PSD  and those deemed vulnerable by the DET will be permitted on-site. The Remote Learning information is found on ClassDojo, in the newsletter and on our Facebook page. To access the On-site Application Form, please go to ClassDojo and open the link that directs you to the form.

Thank you for your co-operation and understanding during this uncertain time for all of us. Stay warm, stay safe. 



Something to brighten up our day 😊 The new playground construction has already begun. It will be fantastic to see the completion of the 5 / 6 playground and the introduction of the 3 / 4 playground to our yard. Students are excited to have more options in the yard at break time. Please see the progress photos in the newsletter. 


SMILE SQUAD Dentist visit

The SMILE SQUAD Dentist service has been postponed until the end of Term 3. Due to demand and number of schools to service unfortunately, their visit to ETRS will be later than anticipated. Please, keep the permission forms coming in, if you wish for your child/ren to see the dentist when they are on-site. 



We have had a number of students beginning to wear black or coloured bottoms and non-uniform jumpers (eg. track suit pants, shorts or leggings, hoodies or jumpers) to school. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform each day. This includes navy blue bottoms and the tops with the school logo on it. If you require support with uniform please don't hesitate to contact us. 



It is great to see so many students riding bikes or scooters to school. We have noticed that a number of students are not wearing helmets. If your child requires a helmet we do have a number of spares that we can give to students at school. Please contact myself or the office if you need a helmet. 



A reminder: Smoking is not permitted within or around the school. Smokers are asked to refrain from smoking near the school gates and must be at least 4 metres from any entry or exit point. We kindly ask that cigarette butts are picked up and disposed of responsibly.  


Parent Opinion Survey 

The DET annual Parent Opinion Survey is now open and will remain open until the 22nd of August. Our school highly values the opinions of our parents and carers. Your responses assist our school to identify areas for improvement, plan for the future and also monitor our performance over time. It is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, student engagement and experiences of remote and flexible learning. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.


Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey and it will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. All responses to the survey are anonymous. 


If you are randomly selected, an envelope will be sent home with your child containing the school pin and the website enabling you to access the survey. 


We appreciate the time you commit to completing this survey. 


School Wide Positive Behaviour Update


This Week's Behaviour Focus

Our Value focus this week is Inclusion – I will encourage others to succeed. 



Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Stay Safe. 


Julie Hommelhoff                   Anthea Mathers

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal