
Book Week

Our annual Book Week celebrations were kicked off with 56 students participating in the Write-a-Book-in-Day competition. This is the 8th year Kilbreda has entered teams in this writing activity and this year we had 56 students who came to school on a student free day for 12 hours. The girls were in teams of 6-8 members and each of the nine teams received a different set of parameters around which they had to base a story.

We started this activity in 2012 with two teams and a total of 16 students. In 2019 we had 9 teams and a total of 56 students. Despite the increased numbers the focus and productivity in the library has not waned. However, the demands on the printer have definitely added tension to the day’s end!


Although this activity is offered to Year 8 students, there is always space made available for students from higher year levels who want to come back to try again. This year was the first time we had a team from Year 11 and the added complexity they had is that 6 of their 8 members had to leave for nearly 4 hours to complete the GAT exam. Their book was completed at 7.59pm, only seconds before the 8.00pm deadline.

The write a book in a day activity requires students to work collaboratively in their plot development, writing, editing and proof-reading but it also challenges them to consider the next steps required for publishing which include illustrating, placement of illustrations, format choices and consistency and then finally the printing. The buzz in the library near the end of the evening is palpable and I’m sure any parent who was there would attest to this.


Here are some comments from students who were involved:

WABIAD was such a fun experience and I had been looking forward to the day since I first heard about it. Overall the day was just as amazing as I had thought. 


Year 8


Write a Book in a Day was such a great experience! Thank you to all the staff for running this amazing day and a special thanks to Ms Kean for coordinating the event! 


Year 8


I loved how involved everybody was. Nobody was left out and we all had a chance to put our part into the book. I also enjoyed how amazing the teachers were with organizing things like meetings, pizza, emails and of course the day itself. It was a great day and I highly recommend doing it next year. 


Year 8

Edible Book competition

Another feature of our annual Book Week calendar is the Edible Book competition. For this, the girls are invited to make a creation that represents a book; it can look like a book or be a scene from a book or characters from a book. But whatever it is, it must be edible.


Again, the students who choose to take this challenge exceed all expectations. The creations are amazing and range from very simple but clever representations to incredibly complex and detailed concoctions. The delight and pride on the faces of the girls as they bring their products into the library tell the story of their enjoyment in this activity. And the genuine praise that other students make when they see these edible books is just lovely to hear.

First place: Wonder by Kiara McGaw, Livia Oswell, Ella Taylor and Madalene Bevis from 7/74

Second place: Swan Lake by Aline Boyadjan 7/70, Zara Boyadjan 10/3

Third place: The Lion King by Ardela Ujka and Shania Nugara both 7/72

Equal Fourth place: How the Crayons Saved the World by Hayley Stewart, Hannah Mullins both 8/60 and Olivia Pope and Sophie Goddard both 8/49

Equal Fourth place: Where is the Green Sheep by Hannah Kotow and Chloe Cronin


We thank all of the students who participated in our Book Week events for 2019 and, of course, the Library staff who organised all of the events. Special thanks to Mrs Geraldine Smith who has been working with us this term and was instrumental in the planning and coordination of the week. We wish everyone happy reading over the holidays. 


Ms Bernadette Kean

Teacher Librarian