

On Tuesday 18 June, a group of Year 9s, 10s and 11s went to the University of Melbourne to participate in the Dante Alighieri Poetry Competition. We were required to choose an Italian poem from a list and learn it off by heart over a few weeks so that we could recite it in front of a judge. We both chose the poem ‘Purgatorio’ (Purgatory) from the Year 11 list, which is part of the epic poem Divine Comedy, written by Dante Alighieri himself.


Although everyone was nervous about reciting the poem in front of the judges, the overall experience always turns out to be incredibly fun. From going to the city and learning the poem with friends, the experience is educational, challenging, and interesting enough for us to go back every year!  We would definitely recommend participating in the competition to any enthusiastic Italian student. 


Belinda Gale and Sofia Bondarenko

Year 11













Italian Poetry Experience: Year 9

On Tuesday 18 June, a group of Kilbreda Italian students embarked on an adventure to Melbourne Uni to recite poems in the Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition. Out of the many students, four Year 9s chose poems in the weeks prior, and presented their poems on the day.


We had the chance to compete in the Swinburne Poem Recitation in Year 8 Italian which gave us a taste of what the Dante Alighieri Italian Poetry Competition would be like. Reciting a poem to an external judge off-campus was a new and exciting experience which helped us all gain more confidence in speaking Italian.


In Year 9, we had four poems to choose from. The day was really exciting. As a group we travelled to Melbourne Uni and entered the theatre where we waited until we were called to perform our poems. We were taken in year-level groups, and waited for each other as we entered a small room with a judge to recite our poem and be marked. We would definitely recommend competing in the Dante Alighieri Competition, it was such a fun experience!


Learning the poems has helped us to gain better skills with speaking Italian and learning how to articulate better. It was a really good challenge and the competition was an extremely valuable



Special thanks to all the teachers that helped us on our journey of learning the poem, and those who took us to the city. We are all very appreciative of the opportunity and will definitely

participate again next year!


Ella Bater, Amelie Monaghan,

Claire Jansz and Amy Goodchild

Year 9

Dante Alighieri Poetry Recitation Competition Results

Results have arrived for the Italian poetry competition held on Tuesday, 18 June. This year our students have achieved excellent results and seven from the group have been recalled to the Finals of the competition, to be held at Melbourne University on Thursday 18 July. The finalists are Belinda Gale (11/34), Sofia Bondarenko (11/26), Laura Cussigh (10/24A), Laura Mitchell (10/4), Holly Sutherland (10/3), Claire Jansz (9/K1) and Amelie Monaghan (9/K5).


Nine of the remaining students in the group attained High Distinction certificates and three students attained Distinction certificates. We heartily congratulate all our competing students this year for their wonderful efforts and recitation skills.


Marlene Weberruss

Languages Teacher