Secondary News

City To School Walk
On Tuesday 10th October 35 VCE and VCAL Students boarded a train at 6am to Flinders Street Station. Once we arrived at the station we walked over to Federation Square for some group shots before making the long 30km walk home.
We began walking the Main Yarra Trail to Gardiners Creek trail. We had our first stop at Burke Road Camberwell. We continued on our path to Pheonix Park Chadstone. We had another toilet stop before making our way along Scotchmans creek trail to Ferntree Gully Road. We took a break on Ferntree Gully Road to refuel at BP Hungry Jacks. We continued our path to Brandon Park shopping Centre. Once we arrived here we knew we were so close to home. We walked Brandon Park drive to Waverley Park- our final stop before we walked the last 1km to Carwatha College P-12 to be greeted by our Prep-Grade one students.
A challenging and rewarding experience to top off our fundraising and awareness for the Cancer Council. We will be making a $1000 donation on behalf of the college through our fundraising efforts in 2017. Congratulations to all students involved and making it back in one piece, with some added blisters and sore muscles.
Year 9 Community Leadership Program
Last term, on Thursday September 21, Yr 9 students participated in their final event of the Yr 9 Community Leadership Program in the school theatre. This program was in conjunction with the Salvation Army. Each form group presented a slideshow displaying their achievements during this program and students spoke about what they had learnt from completing various activities. Students were also presented with a certificate and a medal to recognise their completion of this program.
Many students reported that their experiences had made them feel very grateful for what they have, and they realised that with teamwork and generosity we can change the lives of people who are less fortunate than us. Some activities the students participated in during the program included: toy sorting, creating food hampers, painting murals and building furniture. To do these activities, students used skills such as cooperation, leadership, time management and effective listening & communication. We congratulate students on their enthusiasm towards this program and they should be very proud of the positive impact they have had on our community.
Fiona Chippett, Kevin Fahey and Reuben Kwong
French Celebrations
On Friday 20th October, a celebration of all things French was held. Ms Friend announced to the College that while Bastille Day, a French National holiday is usually celebrated in France on 14th July and at Carwatha in the second week of term 3, this year our celebrations were delayed due to other school activities. However, this didn’t make the day any less special. She briefly explained to the College community the historical and social significance of this day and its relevance to our Australian way of life, in French and English. Also, from 9.30am until the end of lunch, Monsieur Garrie from French Accent Crêpes successfully catered to the queuing students ordering crêpes, without having to wait too long. As the photos show they were much enjoyed.
And there was also the French Year 7 and 8 Fashion Competition. Congratulations to Tim Morgan of 8A for his stylish and very French winning entry, for which he was awarded two movie passes.
So, all in all it was a successful day, with all year 7 and 8 French students ordering their crêpes in French. Bravo to all!
Ms Friend
Year 9 Shrine Of Remembrance Excursion
As part of their work in History on World War 1, Year 9 students took part in the Spirit of Anzac program at the Shrine of Remembrance. Students learnt about conditions for the soldiers and significant battles that Australian soldiers fought in. They toured the Shrine Museum and saw interesting displays, documents and artefacts, including one of the boats that was used in the Gallipoli Landing in 1915. The students said, ‘it was amazing’ and ‘even though I find History boring this made it really interesting.’
Barrie Skadins
Year 8 Medieval Day
Last Wednesday was ‘Medieval Day’. Year 8 students participated in a day of activities and learned about what it would have been like to live in the Middle Ages. Topics covered included crime and punishment, social classes, entertainment, and weapons and armour. There was lots of laughter as students learned games and dances, screams in the scary demonstrations of some brutal punishments and many eager volunteers to dress up in the armour. Despite some determined battles, no-one managed to defeat the Lorenzo the knight!
Barrie Skadins
9A Science Experiment
On Monday October 23rd, 9A science students dusted off their Yr 7 ‘Bunsen burner’ licences and participated in an experiment titled ‘Convection’. Students have been learning about heat, temperature and methods of heat transfer lately. This experiment tested their knowledge of convection as a type of heat transfer. Students boiled water with glitter in it, to observe a convection current. They completed a practical report based on their observations.
Kyla Crawford