Principal's Report

From The Principal
This week is the final week for our Year 12 students, before they begin their final exams. They will be farewelled at a special P-12 assembly on Wednesday 25th October. On November 21st students, their families and staff will attend our Valedictory night where we will formally acknowledge the end of 13 years of schooling for these students. Our Year 12 teachers have been working very hard to support our students and they should be commended for the work and extra hours they have invested into helping our students achieve their goals. I also extend my thanks to the Year 12 Coordinator- Ms Lambrini Christopher, Head of Senior School -Ms Sally Ross, all teachers, support staff, parents, guardians and families who have supported and encouraged these young people to achieve their goals throughout their entire time at Carwatha. It is with some sadness that we farewell these young people we have watched grow from little Year 7s and in some cases preps, in too big uniforms and with a bag as big as themselves, to young adults, through all the turmoil of teenage years, and we wish them every success in the future. On behalf of the whole school community, I would like to wish the class of 2017 the very best for their exams and for the future.
Our annual Arts and Technology Show will be held on Wednesday October 30th. Our students have completed some amazing pieces of work which will be proudly on display. Thank you to all of the Arts and Technology teachers for all of the work involved in putting the show together. Congratulations to our incredibly talented students for their outstanding work. Awards will be presented at a special ceremony in the evening. I encourage all members of our school community to come and see the marvellous work that has been created. The work will be on display in the MPC building until Wednesday November 1st.
Our prep transition program will commence in a few weeks. If you have children ready to commence Prep in 2018 please contact Mrs. Sheila Horn to organise enrolment.
This term we have already had an enormous amount of incursions and excursions provided for our students. They include the VCAL city to school walk, Year 8 medieval day, year 9 excursion to the Shrine and the Primary soccer clinic run by Football technique Australia, I thank all staff who have put in the huge efforts to organise these experiences for our students.
Pat Mulcahy