Community News

Maddilyn Watson Year 10

What's on in our local community:

Sweat vs Steam


The YMCA in conjunction with a dedicated team of committee members organise the Sweat vs Steam event each year to raise funds that go back into the local community.  This year, we are celebrating 20 years of doing this for our local community.


To build on what has already been accomplished and to stay committed to helping out the local youth and schools, we are offering a $3 rebate back to the school for each student that is registered in the event.  The more students that register the more money you will receive. The students will need to register on line and state which school they are from, we will collate the total funds raised and send you a cheque for you to put towards any project that you feel will be helped by these funds.


Go on line to to register, all students MUST be registered on line before 5th October to ensure the school receives funds from their entry to this event.  Registrations on the day will not be included in this offer.