From the Principal


So Grateful for your Support

Last Tuesday 22 02 2022 we held our P&F AGM. Feb. 22, 2022, is known as a symmetrical or palindrome date because the digits read the same backward and forward. It actually fell on a Tuesday!! Numerologists Say the Once-in-a-Lifetime Date 22/02/2022 will deliver big energy for connections.  So this date was appropriate for our AGM as it is about connections and coming together—not just in one-on-one pairs, but among larger groups and communities, as well. This significant date marks the beginning for a significant year.A year to get things going even bigger and better than before!!


 Before we move on to focus on 2022, I would like to thank our 2020 - 2021 P&F who have despite all the obstacles of COVID for two years, supported our school in countless ways. 2021 got off to a great start with Subway lunches, to Friday icy-poles hot cross bun drive to the Easter Raffle and the Colour Run!! Yes we managed to carry it over after the 2020. There even was a Bunnings sausage sizzle in May and an amazing Mother’s Day celebrations with amazing prizes and lovely food to enjoy. Then lock down hit and despite it all, there was a presence online and in our newsletters with the P&F reaching out with SFS ISO ideas, recipes shared, places to visit locally and fun activities like chalk art and more. As soon as we were back there was a celebration to lift spirits with a Crazy Anything Day. Through the year children making sacraments still received a special cake, there were prizes for reading activities and the year finished with a Christmas free home group raffle and a treat for each child. All along the Uniform Shop remained open to support parents. 


I would like to thank all parents involved in these activities those that participated and especially those that helped to organise these special events for our community. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by the staff and especially by the children. The money raised helps to add the extra special things for our school. 


Special thanks to Raquel our president and Courtney our Vice President. To Shiv and Lurdes for their work as our joint treasurers and the Elena for her work as our secretary. It takes a team and we thank the work of  all those who attend meeting and put their hand up to help. You navigated the challenges of 2020 and 2021 and we thank you for supporting our school.


So with this New Year, we look forward to those who will step forward into these important roles in 2022. To embrace our 2022 theme – Connecting for a Spirited tomorrow.

Like our Vision statement to be animated by love to do things for others and for our community. We look forward to the ideas and energy our 2022 P&F team will bring to take our school forward and build the vital partnership that enables further connections to form, funds to be raised and our vision to flourish.


We were delighted that we have parents who are prepared to step up and step forward to support the school in this vital role. We are grateful for your generosity of time and effort.


We congratulate parents who have been nominated for the following  2022 P&F roles: 


President - Courtney Thursfield 

Vice President - Melody Patton

Treasure - Melissa Turner

Secretaries - Natasha Pizzimento and Kirei Reed


General Members

Ruchira Dev

Raquel Netto

Preet kaur

Ancy Sebastian

Elena Senise

Shivanthi Perera

Lurdes Iape

Suzy Flechsig

Shimi Rajan George

Jo Busari

Bruntha Gobinath


The P&F meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 6pm - 7:30pm in the Community Room. We invite you to come and join in and get to know other parents in this important role. Everyone is welcome.

Update Operoo for 2022

It is vital that all parents ensure they have communicated updated medical information to the school for 2022.  The student profile with medical information MUST be updated with a 2022 date to confirm you have checked and that all the information is correct.


This is important for ALL students. 


Your child will not be able to attend an excursion if this is not updated. Thanks to the majority of parents who have completed this annual task. There are students in Years 1 - 4 who require their profile to be updated.


Please open the Operoo student profile. 


1. Click on the name of the Profile.

2. If you need to edit or update something, Click the Edit button on the far right.







3. Update the information. Upload current medical plans. e.g Asthma. Click Save and Continue. 

Even if there are NO changes. Click Save and Continue.

Collection Notice


The information collected will be used by the Australian Government to assess the capacity of school communities to contribute to the recurrent costs of schooling in order to move towards a fairer, needs-based funding model for non-government schools.


COVID Safety

Masks are required in school settings for students in Year 3 and above at primary school, and workers at primary schools. Parents are still required to wear a mask inside a school building.


As we still have cases presenting on a daily basis, we will continue to restrict access inside the school building for parents unless invited. We hope that when cases numbers decrease we can remove further restrictions.


School Fees

If you would like to set up a direct debit please fill in one of the forms below




If you have a Health Care Card please fill in both attached forms and hand in to the office together with a copy of your card.

If you have a Health Care Card please fill in both attached forms and hand in to the office together with a copy of your card.



Car Park Reminders

  • The school car park is ONLY for Staff cars
  • Do NOT park in the Drop off /Pick Up Zone or get out off our car.
  • Left Turn ONLY into school car park and Left Turn ONLY leaving the school car park during drop off and pick up times.




Christine White
