Primary News
K/1 Lavender with Mrs McDouall & Mrs Harbison
In science K/1 Lavender have been learning all about chickens, lifecycles and animals who lay eggs. A big thank you goes out to Ebony and Chas Bunting for supplying K/1 Lavender with an incubator and 12 amazing fertile eggs of different breeds so that we could see the complete cycle of egg to hatching. The class learned all about how the process works, how to ensure the environment was just right for the eggs and even how to ‘candle’ an egg and see if it was viable. We waited patiently for 21 days until finally with nervous excitement the ‘pitting’ began and 8 out of 12 chicks hatched 🐣. What a fabulous way to start the year. I wonder how Mrs McDouall will match the excitement of learning science next term 😊
5/6 Red with Miss Ebert
Students in 5/6 Red have been very busy and working hard! Whilst exploring our text, ‘The Burnt Stick’ by Anthony Hill, we have been locating evidence to prove our inferences and role playing, taking on the roles of characters within the book to be interviewed and then the interviewer. Students came up with some quite challenging questions about the character’s motives within the story. In the next few weeks, we will be writing an exposition on the Stolen Generation to wrap up our unit.