Easy breakfast ideas for a healthy start to your child’s day!

From the Motivational Mum.

We all have heard the age old saying ‘breakfast is the most important meal of the day’!


www.raisingchildren.net.au explains why breakfast is so important for our children! 


‘Why is a healthy breakfast important?'

Breakfast gives children the energy they need to start their busy days.

Children who eat a healthy breakfast can concentrate on playing, learning, remembering and solving problems, because they aren’t distracted by feeling hungry.


This means that a healthy breakfast can help children perform better at school.


Children who eat breakfast also tend to:

  • have better school attendance than those who regularly skip breakfast
  • be more emotionally healthy than non-breakfast eaters
  • stay at a healthy weight, because they’re less likely to snack on unhealthy foods

A healthy breakfast needs to have a balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat. This combination gives children enough energy for the whole morning.


The nutritional benefits of breakfast.

Human bodies make energy from carbohydrates, breaking them down into a sugar called glucose. Glucose is our main source of energy. After a night without food, your body has used most of its glucose. This is why we need a fuel top-up before we tackle the day.


Eating breakfast will give your child energy and get their metabolism started. It will help your child’s body use the food they eat more efficiently throughout the day. Also, children who miss breakfast don’t ‘catch up’ on any missed nutrients during the rest of the day.’ 


As a parent myself I know that finding creative ways to change up meal routines for our family can be a bit of a challenging task so I have put together 5 super easy, healthy breakfast ideas you can try at home with your children!


Keep an eye out for the next recipe, next newsletter.


Banana and mixed berry chia pudding.

Serves: 4 



Common Allergens Present

Alternative Ingredients 
Coconut milk 500Mil Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk. 
Bananas Unit     
Frozen mixed berries  ½ Cup    
Vanilla bean paste 1TSP   
Black chia seeds 8TBS   
Fresh mixed berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries)1Cup    
Natural yoghurt (add honey if you prefer something sweeter)100Grams Dairy Coconut yoghurt  
Nut free granola to garnish 100Grams Gluten, nuts Gluten free/nut free granola 
Toasted flaked coconut 10Grams   
Toasted desiccated coconut 10Grams    


Step 1: Blend together the coconut milk, bananas, mixed berries and vanilla.  
Step 2: Whisk in the chia seeds. Set in the fridge overnight. 
Step 3: Serve in bowls topped with a dollop of yoghurt, granola, fresh berries and toasted desiccated/shaved coconut.