From the First Aid room,

Action Plans.


Please remember that all Action Plans for Anaphylaxis, Asthma and Allergy must be reviewed by a Medical Practitioner every 12 months.  If your child’s Action Planor Medication requires update or replacement, please organise and forward to the school.


Anaphylaxis at school.

A number of students at the school are at risk of anaphylaxis.  


Anaphylaxis is a potentially life threatening, severe allergic reaction and should always be treated as a medical emergency. Anaphylaxis occurs after exposure to an allergen (usually to foods, insects or medicines), to which a person is allergic. Not all people with allergies are at risk of anaphylaxis.

Risk minimisation 

Peanuts and nuts are the most common trigger for an anaphylactic reaction or fatality due to food-induced anaphylaxis. To minimise the risk of a student’s exposure and reaction to peanuts and nuts, schools should not use peanuts, tree nuts, peanut butter or other peanut or tree nut products during in-school and out-of-school activities.


We have students at risk of anaphylaxis from exposure to nuts and peanuts across all year levels. In order to minimise the risk, we kindly request that you do not send any nuts or nut products with your child to school.


Furthermore, if one of your child’s classmate is anaphylactic to another allergen, please do not send that food item to school.  At CJC, allergens other than nuts currently are as follows:

  • 1D: Prawns, Mango, Kiwi Fruit.
  • 34A: Egg.
  • 4E: Mango.
  • 5D: Lentils.
  • 6F: Peach, Prawns, Salmon.

To find out more about anaphylaxis, please visit the ASCIA website :


Please remind your child of the importance of not sharing food and washing their hands before and after eating.


Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns with this.

We are grateful of your support in keeping our students safe.


Trudy Warman

First Aid Officer


Unwell Students - Gastro / Vomiting

Dear Parents and Carers, 


There have been a large number of students sent home this week with stomach issues; vomiting and gastro symptoms. These symptoms are also recognised as COVID symptoms in children. If your child is unwell and showing ANY symptoms of ANY illness, please keep them at home and perform a RA Test.  


During this period of heightened awareness due to COVID, if you have other family members showing gastro symptoms, we ask that you keep other students home as well to prevent further spread of the symptoms.  


It is DET policy that all children remain away from school until ALL symptoms have resolved. In the case of Gastro/Vomiting, students can not return to school until there has not been any vomiting or loose bowel motion for 24 hours. If you pick your child up from school because they are unwell, they cannot come to school the next day even if they appear well.


We thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping us manage these issues. 



CJC Leadership