From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant.



We have made it to autumn. This year is moving by so quickly and the term will soon come to an end. The wonderfully warm weather is such a contrast to the amount of destruction and damage caused by huge amounts of rain in the north of the country. We are expecting rain this evening.


The last day of term 1 is Friday, 8th April.  School finishes at 2.30pm, 1 hour earlier. Please make arrangements to collect your children early or contact TeamKids for after school care.


The first day of term 2 is Tuesday, 26th April as the day previous is ANZAC day (25th) and is a public holiday.


School Council elections close this Monday, 7th of March at 4.00pm.  


School gates are open at 8.45am and we are expecting children to be making their way to class, setting up their desks, chatting with friends and be ready to start the learning day at 9.00am.

As we get back into a more regimented routine with some predictability, we are expecting all families to have their children through the gates before 9.00am. Attendance rolls are marked shortly after the start of the school day and children arriving after 9.00am need to be signed in by a parent/carer at the office.


Please ensure all uniform items are properly named.  Hats, water bottles, jackets, everything. Our lost property pile is growing. 


A working bee for Year 5 and 6 is planned for Sunday, April 3rd commencing at 1.00pm. This will be the world’s fastest working bee and we aim to have our school student leaders and their parents complete a 60 minute makeover of the school, play areas, gardens, entries and learning spaces. More details will follow for the “World’s Fastest Working bee”. Please put this date aside.


School photos are scheduled for 17th and 18th March. Further details are included later within this newsletter.


Traffic safety is critical for all commuters, pedestrian and members of the school community. Please park safely, legally and respectfully for our neighbours in surrounding homes. Obey the parking signs and pedestrians are required to access the school crossing as they make their way into and home from school. Our crossing supervisors do a great job and we need to support them by modelling appropriate behaviours.

From Mr. Borg.

Assistant Principal.




Dear parents/carers,


During this term we are preparing to administer the NAPLAN assessments, which will occur during Term 2, for our Year 3 and 5 students. This will be our first year doing all the assessments online, except for the Year 3 Writing assessment. The NAPLAN testing window will be between May 10th to the 20th. 


We will be involved in some mandatory practise sessions and student familiarisation sessions this term, so our students and teachers are equipped to administer and sit the assessments.


Further information around dates and expectations will be communicated with you in the coming newsletters.