Student Wellbeing

Year 8 Raise Mentoring Program – commencing Term 2
Seeking Mentorees to sign up now!
I have shared in previous newsletters about the great opportunity to have the Raise Mentoring Program implemented for our Year 8s.
Raise Mentoring Coordinators shared at the Year 8 Assembly today providing information about the program. Students who were keen to participate expressed their interest, providing their names at the end of the session.
The students who expressed interest will have consent forms sent to parents and carers to complete. This program will be limited to 15 Year 8 students so students are encouraged to return the consent forms ASAP. It will involve pairing Mentors with Mentorees who they will meet 1:1 each Wednesday Period 4 for Term 2, 3 and a few weeks into Term 4
If you have any additional questions please email
Di Douglas
Director of Student Wellbeing