Term 1 News
Several new students have shown an interest in Clay Pigeon Shooting this year. Along with most of the students from last year, we regularly have about 20 students every Wednesday afternoon at Melbourne Clay Target Club.
At the end of each month we run a Handicap competition for the students that attend. The handicap is arranged so that newcomers have an equal opportunity of winning as the experienced shooters.
Below are some pictures of this month’s competitors. It was a very close competition with 6 students being within 2 targets of each other. Three students were in front of the field all with an equal score. An additional elimination round resulted in Taj Durrant taking out first place, Blake Thomas second and Avril Blanksby took out third prize.
Some of our new shooters are displaying considerable promise and it will not be long until they are putting pressure on some of the more established competitors.
On Tuesday 14 March, 8 students attended the Bairnsdale School Shoot. This is an annual event we have the honour of being invited to and a fantastic opportunity for our students to commence the year with a competition against many of the students they will encounter in further competitions during the year. It also a great introductory competition for the students that are new to the school and have only just commenced this sporting activity.
I have left some EXCITING NEWS until the end! Ben De Pedro (Year 11) has been chosen to be part of the team to represent Australia, in the World Championship Uni-Trench Competition to be held in Spain later in the year. This is absolutely a fantastic achievement for Ben and is well deserved for all the hard work and effort that he has put in over the last few years.
Ben is also contemplating attending a rather large international event in Italy whilst he is in Europe.
Andrew Box, David Blaxland & Garry Bennett