Wednesday 29 March
VCE Unit 1 - Top Class Music Excursion
Sunday 2 April
Presentation Ball
Wednesday 5 April
Cross Country
2023 Legacy Anzac Day Excursion
EIS AFL vs Hallam practice game
Thursday 6 April
3 Way Conferences - (Teacher/Student/Parent)
End of Term 1
Monday 24 April
Start of Term 2
Tuesday 25 April
Thursday 4 May
Theatre Studies Production - 5 pm to 10 pm
Wednesday 10 May
Theatre Studies Macbeth Excursion
Thursday 11 May
Year 11 Health & Wellbeing Day
Monday 15 May
Year 12 Bus Management Yakult Excursion
Thursday 18 May
Careers Expo VCE VM
The Art of Jam
Friday 26 May
Business Management Market Day
Further Reminder
VCE Students and Cars
It is very exciting to see that some of our Year 12 students have acquired their driver licence and are driving themselves to school.
There are just a few things to keep in mind when students get their car and licence this year;
- PARKING is available in the STADIUM car park
- The car park is out of bounds during school hours. Students are not permitted to go to their cars during the day
- Students who are driving to school must complete a form which is available from our office to inform the VCE Coordinators of their licence plate number, car make and colour
- Students must obtain their parents’ permission to be driven to and from school in another student’s car
- A permission form must be completed and returned to the VCE Coordinators before driving another student or siblings to and from school - see the Coordinators for a copy
VCE students missing SACs
If students miss a SAC, they will not be granted SAC redemption unless they have a medical certificate, or it is a school-approved absence. If there are extenuating circumstances, please let us know and we will make a decision based on the VCAA guidelines.
Elevate Education Sessions
Over the last few weeks our senior students completed ELEVATE sessions, delivered by Elevate Education to focus on key skills to help students prepare for exams, study more effectively and use their time to maximise results.
Each student was given a booklet which they completed during their session and took away to use as a study tool.
We ask that parents and carers, please take the time to look at this booklet and discuss these strategies with your child.
VCE Drama
On Thursday 23 February, Ms Goode's VCE Drama class visited the Malthouse Theatre to see the VCAA playlist performance of 'Nosferatu', a modern interpretation of the classic, ‘Dracula’.
The students raved about the performance and wrote their first analysis SAC on the play.
Year 11 Captain's Report
2023 so far....
This term is going by in a flash and as we near the end of the term, I think we’ve all finally settled into the routine of VCE.
For us Year 11’s, the last eight weeks have been full of new experiences as we’ve taken on the increased workload and responsibilities that come with the blue shirts and if my experience is like anyone else’s, I can say with confidence, that this year has been one of the best ones yet.
In Week 6, we had a visit from the wonderful people at Elevate Education, they taught us about study skills and organisation strategies that will help us ace our VCE years. This was a really interesting and engaging experience that gave us a variety of tips and tricks that we can use to stay on top of our work and make the most of our study time.
I would like to congratulate some of our VCE students who have been awarded leadership positions within the Student Representative Council this year. Well done to; Kristy Michael on her position as Vice President and Treasurer and Lauren Barley, on her position as Secretary.
I would also like to give a massive thank you to the wonderful VCE Coordination team for all the amazing support they’ve given us so far. They have offered a helping hand to anyone and everyone who needs it, because without them, I don’t know what we would do!
Olivia Bradshaw
Year 11 Captain