Monday 3 April
DOE Adventure Journey (to 6)
Wednesday 5 April
Cross Country
2023 Legacy Anzac Day Excursion
EIS AFL vs Hallam practice game
Thursday 6 April
3 Way Conferences (Teacher/Student/Parent)
End of Term 1
Monday 24 April
Start of Term 2
Tuesday 25 April
Wednesday 26 April
Thrive Reflection
Friday 5 May
Yarra Division Cross Country
Monday 8 May
Mini Careers Expo
Tuesday 9 May
Year 9 Community Time RSPCA visit
Year 9 Tasmania Camp
Deposit $400
Positions for the 2023 Year 9 Camp to Tasmania are starting to fill. Now is the best time to get your deposit payment in to secure your place!
The 5 day camp is a fantastic opportunity to learn about Australia's convict past, as well as develop social relationships.
Get on board today! The deposit will close on Tuesday April 4.
Year 10 Central Australia Camp
2nd Installment $1,100
A reminder, for students attending this year's Central Australia Camp, the 2nd installment of $1,100 is due to be paid, Thursday 18 May on Compass.
Harry Garside Visit
Our Year 9 and 10 ADP students were lucky enough to have former student and Commonwealth Games Gold medalist, Harry Garsidespeak to them about his experiences of being a student at Lilydale High and things he has learnt across his life journey so far.
Thanks for taking the time, Harry!
World Wildlife Day
March 3
The Year 9 Compassionate Kitchen class made adorable chocolate nests to celebrate and raise awareness for endangered flora and fauna species worldwide.
Outdoor Piano
So wonderful to see our outdoor piano being used at lunchtimes. Phoenix (Year 9) playing a few tunes with James (Year 9).
Year 10 Food and Culture
Studying France - Let's make Crepes!
Year 10 Ceramics
Students in Ms Young's class have been creating ceramic artist inspired tasks.
Year 9 Physical Education
Lawn bowls is part of the Year 9 curriculum and is being taught by volunteers of the Lilydale Bowls Club.
Last week students in 9D had a wonderful time at the bowling club. They had a presentation and introduction to the sport and an opportunity to participate in coaching sessions/games.
Unexplained Absences
We ask that Year 9 and 10 parents and carers please check the Compass Parent Portal and approve any unexplained absences your child may have this term.
If it is expected that your child will be away for more than two days (illness, holiday, medical appointments etc), please communicate this with the Middle School Office.
Parent/Carer Compass passwords can be reset by contacting Lauren Kelso in the Middle School Office.
Middle School Coordinators