Wednesday 29 March
Year 7 Camp 2 (29 to 31)
Friday 31 March
Year 7 SEALP History Excursion
Monday 3 April
Year 8 Medieval Day (8A-8E)
Tuesday 4 April
Year 8 Medieval Day (8F-8J)
Wednesday 5 April
Cross Country
Thursday 6 April
3 Way Conferences (Teacher/Student/Parent)
End of Term 1
Monday 24 April
Term 2 Starts
Tuesday 25 April
Tuesday 2 May
Year 8 Health and Wellbeing Day
Thursday 4 May
Years 7 & 8 Elevate Study Skills
Friday 5 May
Yarra Division Cross Country
7C Smile Poetry
Ears like triangles peeking out of the cat's head.
Claws like blades,
Tails like a big stick pointing up.
Fur as fluffy as a cloud.
Eyes so sharp they are like snake’s eyes.
Mikaela Carr 7F
Ocean breeze
Grainy sand like rice at a Chinese restaurant
Ocean waves like when you throw rocks into the water
Strong wind like a hurricane is coming
Kids yelling in the water like kids yelling YOUR IT at the park
Maddy Allder 7F
As quick as a train
as loud as a gun
as small as a mouse
as ferocious as a lion
Robbie Congerton 7F
Big like a building
Loud as a horn
Strong as a rocket
Fast like a tsunami
Ryan Gallagher 7F
Year 8 Captains Report
Lilydale High School has been glowing with activity for the past few weeks with LHS band rehearsals underway and music lessons sounding fantastic! Many of our clubs are now up and running very well.
Production auditions have been and gone, and the cast list is here! Rehearsals have been going very smoothly and it's shaping up to be a great production!
The school swimming carnival was held on February 20. It was a blast seeing everybody competing for their houses, the Year 12s amazing outfits and everyone just having fun.
The next round in swimming was the following week at Croydon, it was a great day and lucky enough my (Layla) relay team came first!
On Monday March 6, we had lots of interschool sports playing tennis, baseball, softball volleyball and tennis. I (Layla) went to volleyball and my team won 5 out of our 7 games, but I was just happy to see everyone giving it a go and having fun.
We hope that you all are having a great start to the year and we can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in stall for us.
York N and Layla W
High Country Mountain Bike Schools Competition
On Friday 10 March, a number of our Junior School students were involved in the High Country MTB Schools Competition at Mount Buller.
A big congratulations to Rhys Brock from Year 8 who placed first in the 7/8 boys section. Well done also to Mila Ilic from Year 7 who placed 5th, and Jade Morris from Year 7 who placed 8th in the 7/8 girls.
Year 8 Health and Wellbeing Day
Our Year 8 Health and Wellbeing Day will be held on Tuesday 2 May. Year 8 students are reminded to complete the Expression of Interest form, on the Year 8 Google Classroom to indicate their preferred activities/excursions for the day.
Lunchtime Activities
Students are reminded that there are several lunchtime activity clubs running across the school. These clubs can be a great way to meet new friends, catch up with current friends and spend time doing something that interests you.
The lunchtime activities schedule can be found on the Year 7 and Year 8 Google Classrooms.
Progress Reports
A reminder that student progress reports were published on Compass on Friday 3 March. On Monday 6 March, students were given time dedicated to reflecting on these reports.
Lockers do NOT need to be emptied at the end of term, however they must be padlocked. We request that students do not leave anything on the floor or on top of the lockers – all sports bags and other belongings (not in lockers) should be taken home. No food should be left in the lockers.
Leaving School Early
For various reasons you may require your child to leave school early on a particular day. We recommend appointments be made where possible outside of school hours to minimise the impact on your child’s learning and the disruption to classes.
If you require to collect your child, please send a note with your child, log onto Compass or leave a message on the Junior School Early Leavers voicemail.
Students are responsible for collecting an early leavers pass from the Junior School Office before Home Group or at recess.
Please note, that if an early leavers pass is not prior arranged, due to students attending class in various areas around the school, prompt collection of students by staff is not always possible.
Year 8 Food Studies
Recently students in 8C made delicious breakfast smoothies to have 'On the Go'.
Celebrating student Achievements
Parents and Carers, if there is an achievement that happens in your child's life outside of school (sporting achievements, musical successes etc), please let us know as we would like to acknowledge their success.
Junior School Coordinators