Term 1 News
The last few weeks we have seen our Year 7 Zookeepers working towards their Zookeeper Badges. Each student must master many animal husbandry tasks including feeding, cleaning and animal holding.
The favourite task of course, is the animal holding time when students get to pick which reptile they will hold. This is also a time of enrichment for both students and animals. Many students are bonding with our snakes, lizards and even our frogs are fondly looked after during this time.
It is never too late to join the Zookeeper program, just pop into the Zoology Centre and see Sue to join up.
All students can visit the Zoology Centre but must report to myself Sue, the Zoology Coordinator so I know you are visiting. A few rules need to be followed to ensure the safety and smooth running of the centre.
This year we are anticipating the starting and completion of our enclosures giving our animals more enrichment and space to explore. This is also a great opportunity for our students to see and help set up our state-of-the-art enclosures.
The opportunities within the Zoology Centre give our students the best opportunities to lead onto roles within the pet industry and zoo industry. We have three past LHS students that now work in well known zoo’s within Victoria and 4 past volunteers, who also work within the zoo industry. This includes Zoos Victoria and Ballarat wildlife Park.
We also have one Year 12 student working for a well-known reptile shop and has opportunities opening up for him to work within the zoo industry once he finishes Year 12 this year.
Lilydale High is becoming the training ground for Zookeepers for the future and is starting to be noticed by the zoo industry. Many students have the opportunities to become specialists with chosen species, setting themselves up to enter into a specialised industry ahead of others who don’t have the same opportunities.
We are lucky enough to have Mike Swan working within the Zoology Centre. Mike has a vast history of working with reptiles and amphibians within Zoos Victoria and is a multi published author. Look out for Mike’s latest book published by CSIRO along with Nick Clemann on “Frogs of Australia”.
Lilydale High S offers Vocational Education and Training (VET) Certificate ll in Animal Care, this course is run within the Zoology Centre and runs on Wednesdays (the centre is closed to other students on this day every week). This course also brings in students from surrounding secondary schools who are able to complete the VET program.
Last week we showcased our Zoology Centre at the Grade 6/Year 7 Sports Day. Lucky for many, the rain allowed us to have extra time for the students from our local primary schools. Mr Lacey, our Lace Monitor really enjoyed walking around the centre mingling with the students and our Year 7 Zookeepers were able to show there handling skills with many of our snakes and lizards. Thanks to everyone that were involved, it was such a great day in spite of the rain.
I am looking forward to seeing students joining the Zookeeper Program or visiting the Zoology Centre soon.
Sue Samphier
Zoology Coordinator