Unit 3/4 Biology
Ethics is knowing the difference between right and wrong. Recently, Unit 3 Biology students used a variety of hats and lenses when looking at different biological case studies. They were able to apply the bioethical concepts and approaches and be able to engage in some great discussions.
Hayley Callinan
Year 8 Science
Students have just about completed their Learning Tasks for the first topic 'Energy' for this term.
By burning different types of snack foods; they demonstrated their understanding of energy transformation, transference and reviewed their skills of working within a lab setting.
Julie Colyer
Year 8 SEALP
Students have been researching, designing, planning, modifying and engineering their socks off in our bespoke STEAMWORKS area and creating Self Watering Wheels, for their final Learning Task.
Nothing was off the table - ideas were drawn up, scrapped, redesigned. Prototypes built and modified, designed in TinkerCAD and then created using the 3D printers. We even had some help from our resident 3D printer 'guru' Jensen, who helped Jake to splice his design - ready to print.
Julie Colyer
Year 9 Forensic Science Fun!
Students in Ms Schulz's class had a pickle gang fight with a lot of deaths!
Students used their autopsy skills to find out how each pickle met their demise!
Sara Schulz
Year 10 Core Science
Students were building solar powered cars and bikes to demonstrate how alternate energies can be used instead of fossil fuels, for the Environment Science component of Year 10 Core Science.
Students completing their article review about Alkaline water. They collaborated and annotated and wrote their own thoughts about the article in their individual double entry journal.
Julie Colyer