Students of the Week

The following students will receive their certificates at assemblies on the following dates:

Friday  24th March

Audrey (Foundation) -  For always trying your best and asking for help when you need it. We are proud of how you work hard on learning to write your letters . Keep up the great work!

Harmeet K (12A) -   For being a passionate learner who tries her best at all times. You are an attentive and determined student, always wanting to grow and learn in every lesson. You are such a polite and gentle class member. Keep up the incredible work. You are an absolute star. 

Oliver R (12B) -  for showing perseverance in learning. You’ are serious about your learning tasks and really show that with efforts you can do a great job! 

Harkeerat K (34A) - For settling into the classroom routine after coming back from a family holiday. You are a rockstar!

Elise A (34B)  - For showing her personal best and demonstrating Attenive listening during class time. What a great role model. keep it up Elise!

Danielle V (34C) - For making good choices with her learning. Danielle has been working hard to avoid distractions and do her Personal Best effort in all tasks. Great job, Danielle!

Jade S (56A) - for your outstanding leadership in the Harmony Day activities.

Willow J-B (56B) -  For demonstrating consistent excellence in her writing and providing support to her peers. Congratulations Willow, keep striving to achieve your personal best.



Friday  31st March

Calista (Foundation) - For concentrating during our independant learning time and working hard. You are showing great responsibility for your learning. Well done Calista!

Alma W (12A) -  For being an enthusiastic learner who is always striving for new knowledge and understanding, especially in mathematics. It has been great seeing you extend your learning in addition and subtraction, and then willingly helping others around you to help them with their understanding. You are a great and kind classmate to everyone. Well Done. You are a star!!

Izabella E (12B) - for actively participating in the class activities and showing positive attitudes towards learning.  

Cooper H (34A) - For continually acting in a responsible, respectful and inclusive manner! We are so lucky to have you in our grade!

Jordy O'H (34B) - For being such a polite and respectful student. He is a pleasure to teach and I just love his awesome smile. Keep being amazing Jordy!

 Sophie H (34C) For being a wonderful class member. Sophie is a kind, cheerful and friendly student, and she always puts 100% effort into her work. What a great role model! Well done, Sophie!

Matilda M (56A) - For working well with younger students to support their learning.

Sullivan B (56B) - For responding to feedback, setting challenging goals and putting 100% into learning tasks. Well done Sully, this attitude is setting you up for a hugely successful year.