Families and Friends

Parent and carer volunteers promoting the welfare of, and providing support to, the SMPS community

SMPS Family & Friends News


This Week

  • SHUS (Second Hand Uniform Shop)
  • Informal chat groups

SHUS (Second Hand Uniform Shop) 

Your SHUS is run by the FAF group, with help from other SMPS community volunteers. 

Open: Wednesdays, between 3.30pm and 4pm.

Where: Outside the entrance doors, in front of the Art room

Payment: Card/eftpos or cash   

Donations: Clean, unmarked Bob Stewart uniform items are gratefully accepted. Please either leave donations with the office, or drop them to the SHUS when it's open. 


Thank you to everyone who has donated SMPS uniform they no longer need, and to those who have volunteered to help run the SHUS. We wouldn't have a SHUS without your generous donations and time!


SMPS SHUS price list:

*Dresses and tunics come in different sizing.

C = Child (Smaller fitting)

G = Girl

W = Woman (more generous fitting)


If you would like to review sizing, please refer to Bob Stewart's website via the link below. 


Informal chat groups

Make new friends within the SMPS community and keep in touch on an informal basis.


Doug, a FAF member, oversees 'SMPS Friends' - an informal WhatsApp chat group of around 300 past, present and prospective parents and carers across all grades at SMPS.


There are also separate 'grade specific' informal WhatsApp chat groups for Preps; Grade 1; Grade 2; Grade 3; Grade 4; and a combined chat for Grades 5 & 6. These 'grade specific' chat groups are for the parents/carers of current students only.


If you have recently joined SMPS, or are a current or prospective parent/carer, and would like to join any of the informal chat groups, please contact Doug via WhatsApp, or via SMS on phone # 0437 351 194.


‼️ Please note: These informal chat groups are completely independent of SMPS teachers and staff. You should continue to rely on Compass News Feeds and the SMPS newsletter for SMPS information.