
Garden Club News

All of our grades have enjoyed getting into the SMPS garden and getting their hands dirty! Prep students have had their turn and completed a garden scavenger hunt with the help of the school Sustainability Leaders where they found leaves, flowers and bugs.










Writing Utensil Recycling

We are loving our new whiteboard pen recycling program at SMPS! Our whiteboard pens will be shipped off to be turned into materials that can be used for new products.


Members of the community are welcome to drop off any of the items below to be recycled through this program:

Please bring any of these items you'd like to recycle to the school office where we have a collection bin.


SMPS can also earn rewards for recycling -for every shipment of writing instruments over 7kg sent to us for recycling, we will earn $1 per kg in TerraCycle charity points which can be donated back to our school!