Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


We wanted to take a moment to celebrate our wonderful Prep student's and their safe use of devices. At the start of the year we learnt about how to care for devices and how to safely use our iPads in the classroom. Now our Prep students are learning how to problem solve when they may not have sound or something may not be loading. The Prep students have been champions of using their devices safely, accessing programs such as Seesaw, Quizlet and Wushka. 

Check out some of their work on Seesaw! 

Well done Preps! We are very proud of how you keep your iPads safe and always follow the Big 10 Essential Habits when using your devices. Keep it up!

Year 1

Our Year One students have been floating into the world of the sun, moon and stars. They're discovering constellations, learning about day and night and all things space. They have fascinated by the sun, a giant star that provides warmth and light, making life on Earth possible. It's been an exciting cosmic adventure that has sparked a lot of curiosity and wonder!


Year 2

Our Year 2 students have continued developing their fluency skills on Thursdays and Fridays during our Skills Block. To build these skills, they are introduced to the text and new vocabulary, they choral read the text with their teacher, they partner read the text and give each other feedback and finally they record themselves reading the text fluently on Seesaw. Throughout this process, students are layering their confidence in reading the text while understanding how to read fluently using the punctuation. In the text 'The Elephant's Friend', they had the opportunity to use expression when changing their voices for the characters by reading the speech bubbles. What fluent readers we have emerging in Year 2!

Year 3

By now, families in Year 3 will have received their child's NAPLAN results. The Year 3 teachers had the pleasure of looking through all students results and we were overwhelmed with pride. Students demonstrated Big 10 Number 9 'Try hard all the time even when it is challenging' and should be very proud of their hard work. 


We have loved kicking off our new Term 3 topics. Highlights so far have included learning about Egyptian gods and goddesses and comparing and contrasting different celestial objects like meteors, comets and asteroids. 


"I enjoyed learning about the Ancient Egyptian gods because we learned about all the different gods." - Advaith, 3A

"I'm looking forward to learning about Ancient Rome because I am excited to learn about any inventions they made." - Mia, 3B

"I have enjoyed learning about the Egyptian gods. It was interesting that people drew Horus' eye on the tombs of those who have died." -  Shanaya, 3C

Year 4

The Year 4 students have settled into Term 3 beautifully and have launched straight into their learning! In Maths, the students have enjoyed exploring fractions - equivalent fractions, mixed numbers, improper fractions and putting fractions on a number line. There has also been lots of excitement around the beginning of our ‘Times Table Challenge’ each Friday.


As part of our Science unit ‘What’s the Matter?’, we were visited by the team at Fizz Kids. The Year 4 students became real scientists, mixing different ingredients to create a Non-Newtonian Fluid (also known as slime!) as well as completing their own experiments. It was a highlight of the year so far for many!

Year 5

The Year 5 students have returned to school organised and ready to take on Term 3. Their teachers have been very proud of them showing the school value of 'Community' whilst learning the dance for their whole school performance at assembly. The Year 5 students paired up with a partner from across the cohort to perform for the whole school. We had lots of fun preparing for our performance and it allowed the students to explore different friendship connections. 

Year 6

In Year 6, our thrilling new unit, 'It's Bright,' has commenced with a focus on the captivating concepts of reflection, refraction and the intriguing path of light. We are brimming with excitement as we delve into the fascinating world of shadows and the magic they hold. Throughout the term, we will be conducting various experiments to better understand how light behaves and interacts with different surfaces. As the pinnacle of our journey, we look forward to creating a mesmerising shadow show, specifically tailored for the younger children, a spectacle that will undoubtedly leave them enchanted and inspired. This unit promises to be an illuminating adventure. We cannot wait to discover the wonders of light and shadow together.