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Supporting students to achieve academically...

NAPLAN: SMPS Outperforms Again!

We are thrilled to announce that the eagerly awaited NAPLAN results have been released, and the performance of our Year 3 and 5 learners has been outstanding!


The results across all subjects and cohorts are very strong. Our pattern of ensuring high levels of literacy and numeracy has continued. SMPS has outperformed the network and 'similar schools' average in both year levels in all subjects. This is no small feat considering we are located in one of Victoria's strongest networks.


This achievement reflects the excellent learning environment and strong educational foundation we provide at South Melbourne Primary School. This year's Year 5 results are particularly special to us as they reflect the first cohort to have progressed from Prep all the way through to Year 5. We are proud to be a government school that outperforms many private schools, especially considering we have only been open for 5 and a half years.


Year 5's celebrating the completion of NAPLAN earlier in the year
Year 5's celebrating the completion of NAPLAN earlier in the year

We look forward to publicly sharing the specific outcomes once our staff group has had time to deeply engage with them. Year 3 and 5 families have been informed of their child's outcomes through a NAPLAN report sent home on Friday.


We firmly believe that these incredible achievements are a testament to the hard work and commitment of our students, families and teachers. We would like to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude to our parent community for their continuous support and encouragement. Your involvement in your child's education is invaluable and plays an important role in their success.


As we celebrate another year of remarkable results, we remain committed to further enhancing our academic programs and providing an enriching learning experience for every student. Together, we will continue to nurture their learning, wellbeing and engagement as they progress through their educational journey.

International Maths Olympiad Challenge

This week we learnt of the wonderful achievement of Kim, a Year 4 student, who recently participated in the International Maths Olympiad Challenge. Kim was supported by her family to participate in this challenge, which gave her a new opportunity to test her maths skills. Kim's performance landed her in the 89th percentile among participants from around the world. This is deemed to be an 'elite' result and has earned Kim a prize pack of merchandise. Kim's remarkable success not only reflects her hard work and dedication but also showcases the excellence of our school's academic programs and the support of our proactive parents. Kim brought her certificate to school so we could all share in her excitement. Congratulations to Kim on this achievement!


If your child receives any awards for their participation in events outside of school, we'd love to hear about it. This can be best done by emailing your child's class teacher.

ICAS Reminder

A friendly reminder that ICAS closes on July 31st. Please refer to our Term 3 Week 1 newsletter for further information.