School Leaders

Messages from the Office, Learning Specialists and School Organisers...

Smile Squad

Smile Squad is on the way to our school!


All children deserve a healthy smile, and the Smile Squad is coming to South Melbourne Primary School to help make sure this happens. 

  • Smile Squad is a Victorian Government program that provides free dental care to all Victorian government primary and secondary school students. 
  • The friendly Smile Squad dental team will visit South Melbourne Primary School in Weeks 9 and 10 of this term, to conduct a free annual dental health examination for every student and provide free follow-up treatment as needed.

What do you need to do?


We need your consent before we can provide services. Consent is usually provided by a parent or guardian.

Sign up to Smile Squad at: OR use the below QR code:


The Smile Squad team will check the student’s teeth and mouth and show them how to keep their teeth healthy and strong. They will also provide any preventive services you have consented for. If the student needs more treatment, the Smile Squad will discuss this and seek consent. 


Please complete and submit the consent form by Friday 25th August (Week 7). 


Paper copies of the consent form are available. Please contact the school office if you would like to request one. The electronic consent form can be translated into more than 100 languages, and the paper form is available in 13 languages. 


Although the engagement of parents/guardians is encouraged, in Victoria, students who are considered ‘mature minors’ may provide consent for their own dental care. To be considered a mature minor, the Smile Squad clinician must be satisfied that the student has sufficient understanding of the risks, benefits, and possible complications of their condition and proposed treatment to give informed consent. 


Do I need to attend my child’s appointment?


No, you do not need to attend your child’s appointment. You can attend if you would like to, and you can take your child to the community dental clinic if you prefer.


Who is Smile Squad?


The bright orange Smile Squad vans are staffed by experienced oral health therapists, dental therapists, dental assistants and dentists. They all have lots of experience treating children and a passion for improving their oral health – for life.

Learn more about the Smile Squad by visiting or contact the team at

Swimming Reminder for Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2

A reminder that swimming is happening this week for Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. It is recommended that students wear their PE uniform all week to make it easier to change in and out of but you are welcome to choose what suits you. If you need to check more details, look on the Compass event. 

Prep Transition About to Commence!

Prep Transition commences in August for enrolled students. If you have a Kindergarten aged child and have not submitted the enrolment form for your Prep starting in 2024, please do so immediately as we need to begin our planning of classes and staffing for next year. 


If you have not handed in Enrolment Forms - you may miss out on important transition information for your child.


If you are intending on your child commencing Prep next year at South Melbourne Primary School, we request that the Enrolment Forms and supporting documents are dropped off to Kirsty or Emma in the office as soon as possible - even if you just verbally let us know now about a sibling planning on commencing Prep next year so that they can participate in the transition program.


Enrolment forms and the process can be found on our website. If you require any further information on Enrolling your child, please do not hesitate to drop into the office, call on 9935 9399 or e-mail Kirsty at and we will happily answer your queries.

SMPS Enrolment Form

Exiting Students

Do you think your child will be exiting the school at any point this year? Please send us an email at Knowing this information in advance will assist the school with planning, budgets and staffing. Your plans don't have to be set in stone. They can change or be reversed so just a heads up of your future intentions will do.