Education in Faith 

First Reconciliation 2023 

We start this week's news with a hearty congratulations to our Year Three students who last night took place in their First Holy Reconciliation. 












Reconciliation at St Anthony's is scheduled to take place during Lent because of it's extreme relevance to the Sacrament. It is a time of reflection where we aim to turn towards God and think about the poor choices that we may be making. Times we act with frustration, anger or impatience. When we think about ourselves before others. When we are dishonest to others we care about, to the Lord and even to ourselves. 


The candidates who took part in Reconciliation reflected on ways that forgiveness is shown in both the Old and New Testament, as well as in a modern day context. As Father Leenus stated at the ceremony last night 'Our parents and teachers can forgive us, but it is the Lord who can wash away our transgressions.'


Year Three students wrote what they wished to share at Reconciliation, and also worked to create the beautiful art work that you can see above to create a memento. We remember the Lord is our shepherd, who finds us when we are lost. 



Caritas Coin Line and Tower 2023

Next Monday the 3rd of April we will gather together as a school to complete our Caritas Coin Line and Tower. This will involve each class in the school gathering the coins that make up their Caritas donations for the period of Lent. 


There will be a prize for the class that can construct the longest line, as well as the class who can build the tallest free standing tower. 


We of course do not raise money to win prizes, but this is a fantastic way for our students to see how much money has been collected directly through the generosity of our families. We will also be able to total how much has been collected and celebrate our contribution towards an always fantastic cause. 


Holy Week Presentations 



We are fast approaching the Holy celebration of Easter, and each class in our school has been discussing and learning about the events in the lead up which we know as Holy Week. 


On Wednesday the 5th of April at 2.30 PM we will gather as a whole school to celebrate some of these events, including Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. All parents are invited to attend these performances where classes will sing, act and read from the Bible in remembering the experience of Jesus. 


We will send email reminders about this to parents as well, but it is a wonderful way to celebrate what students are learning in the classroom. As Easter takes place over the school holidays we will celebrate together as a school when we return after the break. 


A Prayer for Reconciliation 


Father of mercies and God of all consolation, you wish for your people to be converted and live. Come to the aid of your people, that they may turn from their poor choices and live for you alone. 


May we be attentive to your word, confess our mistakes, receive your forgiveness, and be always grateful for your loving kindness. Help us to live the truth in love and grow into the fullness of Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns for ever and ever.




Take care everyone, we look forward to celebrating together next week. We also wish everyone a Holy and peaceful Easter celebration. 


Tim O'Mahoney

Education in Faith Leader