Library Corner

Celebrating Cultural Diversity
Last month, the library celebrated Cultural Diversity Week and Harmony Week with a display of books listed on the Cultural Diversity Database by the National Centre for Australian Children’s Literature Inc (NCACL). See the titles available in our library here. The library monitors contributed by presenting some interesting facts about cultural diversity in Victoria.
CBCA 2023 Shortlist
The Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book of the Year Shortlist has been announced. Students can loan all shortlisted books in the Older Readers category from our library..
Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge
The Challenge is now open until 8th September and Glen Eira College is excited to be participating. Students can check their Year Level Google Classrooms or pop into our library to find out more. To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the booklist and for more information, visit
VCE Collection
The library offers a great range of study guides for all VCE subjects taught at GEC including for subjects with new study designs in 2023. A VCE Resources Information session will be held in the library on Wednesday April 5th at the beginning of lunch for students. All items borrowed at this session can be borrowed for the holidays (usually overnight loan only). Browse the collection here.
Autism Awareness Month
April is Autism Awareness month. Check out our range of neurodiverse stories for young adults here.
Book Club
Book Club for 2023 is up and running. Year 7 and new students are welcome to come see us at the library if they would like to join. Book Club runs at lunch time every fortnight on Wednesdays ‘Blue timetable’ week.
Homework Help
Tuesday & Wednesdays after school in the library (3.30pm - 4.30pm).
Volunteer tutors available for assistance with most subject areas.
The library is open every day after school for students to study except when staff meetings are scheduled.
Library Links
Library Catalogue:
Digital Books:
Students sign into both the catalogue and digital books with their EduPass account details.
Clare Murayama