SRC News

Harmony Week Celebrations
The SRC students were instrumental in helping to promote and to celebrate Harmony Week and Harmony Day celebrations at GEC.
Our SRC students warmly greeted our school community as they entered the college gates last Friday and shared orange Harmony day pins and ribbons which they helped make to celebrate the theme ‘Everybody Belongs.’
Thank you to all the students and staff who dressed up in orange and cultural dress. Gold coin donations collected on the day by the SRC raised over five hundred dollars for State Schools' Relief. State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families, each year.
National Ride to Work/School Day March 24
SRC students also encouraged our community of bike-riders last Friday who rode to school on National Ride to Work/School day. The enthusiasm was great to see and share.
Ideas for Student Engagement and Action
The SRC wants to hear from students about what matters to them and what changes or initiatives they think are important in our school and wider community. They are creating a survey for all students which they hope to send out to everyone soon.
Gemma Fisher
SRC Coordinator