Important Notices 




Parent/Carer Opt-out for Photographing, Filming and Recording Students


During the school year, there are occasions and events where the school may photograph, film or record students participating in school activities and events. We do this for many reasons including:

  • to celebrate student participation and achievement,
  • showcase particular learning programs,
  • document a student’s learning journey,
  • camps,
  • excursions,
  • sports events,
  • communicate with our parents and school community in newsletters and
  • on classroom blogs and social media platforms.

 To learn more about our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy click here. 


You may wish to view the school’s Instagram and Facebook pages to see examples. In general, we tend to post group shots or shots taken of the backs of students without identifying by name. If you have read this notice and are comfortable with the school using photos, video or recordings of your child as described above, you DO NOT need to take any further action. 


If you do not want images of your child to be collected or used by our school, please complete the Opt-out section at the back of the policy below and return it to your child’s teacher. Please do so by the end of February 2023.


Uniform Shop - Reminder to label uniform 

A reminder about hand me down clothes from friends, please cross out the original name & put the new one in.

We have a group of grade 6’s returning lost property to classrooms once a week but if there’s no current name on it they can’t return it.

Also any second hand clothes donated must be in good condition – no stains or rips/holes.