From Principal Steve - School Council Election Results
To the BPS community,
We are delighted to inform you that Emma Oliver, Aaron Stead, Clint Miller, and Michelle Gibson have been elected to serve as parent members on the School Council at Brighton Primary School for the next two years. Thank you to Emma, Clint, and Michelle for their enthusiasm in electing to serve on School Council for a second two-year term. Our School Council also looks forward to welcoming Aaron Stead and supporting his transition as we continue to work collaboratively in the best interests of our students and their learning at Brighton Primary School. We will welcome Aaron, Emma, Clint, and Michelle at our next school council meeting on Wednesday 22nd March.
Our School Council would also like to extend its sincere appreciation and gratitude to both Melissa Mohan and Jess Groszek who were not elected as members on this occasion. Melissa has served on our School Council Communications subcommittee for the past two years and has played an integral role in championing efforts to secure capital funding for our school as well as enhance our school communications and branding. This important work will strengthen ‘who we are’ as a school, our brand and result in improved communications, including a new school website. We anticipate that our School Council will ask Melissa to continue supporting this work as a co-optee on the Communications subcommittee this year.
Our School Council has decided to form a parent working group to lobby the State Government for capital funds to implement our facilities masterplan, which we hope will see our school get the investment it deserves. We have invited Jess Groszek to be a member of this group and she has kindly agreed. If you are also interested in serving on this working group, then please email our School Council President, Andrew Campbell and/or Vice President, Jan Browne at the following email addresses:
Lastly, thank you to all the parents who actively participated in our school council elections this year. Your active engagement, interest and support will help ensure the success of our students, their learning, and our school.
With best wishes,
Steve (on behalf of our school council)