Performing Arts Focus

Performing Arts Focus
It’s another action-packed term in the Performing Arts department!
Read on to find out all about our Art4All performance, Artist-in-Residence program, Year 3&4 concerts, brass performances, end-of-year showcase events, as well as all the incredible learning and creating that’s going on in the classroom!
In the Performing Arts Classroom
Foundation Students
This term has seen our Foundation students extend their knowledge of elements of music. We have been learning to read and perform simple rhythms on a variety of different instruments. We have also learnt how to read basic ukulele chord charts and have been able to strum along to some fabulous songs. We are all very excited to share with you our wonderful performance skills at the celebration of learning at the end of the term (date TBC).
Year 1&2 Students
We have been exploring the concept of a ‘musical’ and have been developing our understanding of all the elements that go into creating one. This has seen our students reviewing and extending their knowledge of reading and performing music, as well as playing music in time with others. In the coming weeks we will be workshopping scripts, to put together a class mini-musical, complete with songs, dances and acting. It’s going to be spectacular!
Year 3&4 Students
Oh yes, we do have another concert for 2022! The Year 3 and 4 students have been honing their skills on the diablos, devil sticks, hoops, spinning plates, as well as juggling scarves and forming human pyramids. Not sure what some of those items are? Come join us for our concert ‘The Greatest Showkids’ on Thursday 1 December at Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar. The Year 3 cohort will perform from 6 – 7pm and Year 4 will come on next from 7:30 – 8.15pm. Ticketing information will be released next week. There will be no restrictions on the number of tickets per family, so everyone in your tribe can come to our circus!
As an educator, I am very grateful for this opportunity to hire two artist-in-residence for this project, thanks to the generosity of the school community who raised money for our program. I have had the joy of hearing the children scream ‘I DID IT!’ when they balanced a plate in the air. I have been privileged to hear children share about how their grown-ups have dabbled in the circus arts and they have shared their tricks and tips with me. I also love the message reiterated each year by our artists, Taygan and Ned, that the circus is an inclusive space and everyone has something special in them to create a spectacular show. I suppose it is a reclamation of the term ‘freak show’. We are so excited to see this fluid concert in progress and here is a poster for our upcoming show.
Year 5 Students
It is official – we have formed a band! In fact, we have formed three. We have been rocking the Performing Arts space with various pop and rock covers. Our ukulele program, which starts from Foundation has resulted in the Year 5s being able to change chords and read strum patterns. A little bit of chair drumming, some lyrics and chord charts, and we have started playing together. The feeling is amazing. We leave you with a video of us playing ‘Stand By Me’, by Ben E King.
Year 6 Students
We cannot actually reveal what we are doing in Performing Arts this term. It is top secret. I guarantee though that they are going to knock your socks off! It combines rhythm and blues, parody, self-reflexive song writing, dance choreography, and one sick beat. Sounds like a summation of everything we do in Performing Arts. Some of you might see this work of art at their graduation at the end of the term.
Choir/Concert Band
This is the term we really get to show off all of our hard work! Our wonderful choir and concert band students have been practising all term in preparation for our performance at Art4All, on Friday 11 November at 6pm. It’s going to be such a spectacular way to kick off an already action-packed and extraordinary weekend.
In addition to this performance, our talented music makers will be taking part in our end of year festive spectacular! This will be performed at the Fig Tree Courtyard at 4:30pm on Wednesday 14 December. Our incredible Brass students, and their teacher Sean, will also be joining us for the event. More information will be sent out via Compass closer to the time.
As part of our musical partnership with Thornbury High School, our brass students have been invited to perform in Thornbury’s end of year concert. This event is always such a highlight for our students and we can’t wait to see them share their talents with the families and students at Thornbury High School.