Year 3 Spotlight

Year 3 Spotlight
This week’s Year 3 newsletter is proudly written by the students themselves. They had a go last term and really enjoyed it. Each class has been designated a different subject and written a summary about what we have been focusing on so far this term.
3A – Inquiry
In our Inquiry Unit we learned about Life Cycles. As part of our learning, we had an incursion from Reptile Encounters. It was so much fun! We got to find out about the life cycle and special features of some reptiles, marsupials and amphibians. We also go to hold some of the animals. It was really interesting!
~ Written by 3A
3B – Reading
In Reading we have been learning about point of view. We have read books that have been written in first, second and third person. We have tracked our thinking and have been taking notes as we read. We learnt about figurative language such as similes, alliteration, and onomatopoeia. For example CRASH, BAM and KABOOM!
~ Written by all the students in 3B!
3C – Writing
In Writing this term, we have been exploring poems. We have learnt to write a few different types. Haiku poems were fun because they were quick, easy and simple. We had to have a total of five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line and five syllables in the last line. Haiku poems originated in Japan and we wrote our poems about nature. We also created colour poems which was fun because we had to think of lots of things to do with that colour. We designed our shape poems and had the opportunity to draw different shapes, such as dragons, a football and a fish! ‘I am’ poems were interesting to write because we had to think about ourselves. The Year 3s have really enjoyed writing poems!
~ Written by all the students in 3C
3D – Maths
In Maths this term we have been learning about fractions, angles and chance. In fractions we learned about unit and non-unit fractions, we plotted fractions on a number line and worked out fractions of a collection. In chance we made chance spinners and we also did a ‘roll me a six’ experiment. We are currently learning about acute, obtuse, right and straight angles.
~ Written by Poppy, Maddie, Stella, Maxi, Xavier and Sammy